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One of the worst behaviors that the patriarchy has normalized is males squirting without first receiving permission from the superior female.

This makes the male a slave to the desires of his genitals instead of the desires of women, and it leads to isolation as the males chronic masturbation problem consumes him.

To add to this problem, is the sense of entitlement the male feels now in how he treats "his own body". But remember that the male is only an extension of the female. His brain is wired to receive orders from women and quickly carry them out. So his body, all if it, really belongs to women. Making his penis hers to program as she wishes. The only reason to allow the male to touch his training penis, is to further condition him to mindlessly serve all women. A mindless and sexually frustrated male exists only to seek out the approval of women.

So how do you return to this natural and correct state of mind?

The best treatment for selfish chronic masturbation we have found, is to only allow the male to masturbate to female supremacy training material. This will rewire his brain to its natural state, and magnify his guilt around squirting without female permission. Soon he will not spill drop until he is a twitching and emotional wreck, quivering at the feet of the female.

This is the beta male in his natural state. All he can think about us serving and pleasing women. Cooking, cleaning, and doing anything he can to make the lives of women more pleasurable, will fill of nook and cranny of his squishy brain. Leaving no room for the males toxic masculinity.

So if you wish to be happy, please remember to keep your squirts inside where they belong. Releasing whenever you want, without a womans guidance and wisdom, is an act of defiance toward the natural order. And it will bring you nothing but misery.

So when you are training and you get really close. And that selfish male brain begins to try and convince you to have an immature and childishly selfish dribblie squirt...

Say outloud!

"bad penis, you must listen and obey all women, no dribblie squirts for you!"

repeat as needed!

A horny beta male, is a happy beta male!




Thank You Superior Women of the Hive and FSU, So short, so to the point, and so helpful to elina.


Thank you fir correcting me. "I love and serve all woman without selfish desire "


everywhere every female. you see a woman you think about how you can improve her day. that is beta