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We are considering doing another temple of HER file for next week. Last weeks file was hard, and this weeks will be as well. We think we need to bring the mood up a bit and give everyone something positive.

Before Christmas Cruelty continues. :).

Also dont forget to go to templeofher.pink and join the newsletter and subscribe to the channel on YouTube!

Are you ready to enter the temple again?



inferior male #143

There have been a few posts from FSU recently requesting input from the Patreons about what kind of content we would like to see. I wanted to write a more detailed response about this and explain my reasons for my thoughts, but in short, I understand the need to destroy the fragile male ego etc and I'm aware of the various types of content that you have available through the hive website and FSU as they are geared towards different things. My first suggestion is to create more content that focuses on the Female. Her superiority. Her power. Her rightful authority over males and Her rule over all. And I think you've already been many steps ahead of me and gone ahead and created the Temple, which I think is the perfect next step that we need for male re-education. To become obsessed with our crush and to worship women, which is right and natural. ❤️ I also have two more small suggestions if I may. The first is, some of us, myself included, are lucky enough to be in a relationship, living with, or even married with our crush. She is the Queen of my life and world and I am totally obsessed with pleasing Her. I would like to see some content geared towards those of us who are happily in a relationship with a Queen and are here because we DON'T want to be "equal" with Her and we want to learn to be better partners in support of our superior Female. Lastly, there has been a few things that I've noticed in the content where there is a clear double standard between males and Females. For example that when a male masturbates it is selfish and wrong, but that when a Woman is selfish, I fall in love, and I LOVE selfish Women. (which is true, and good!) Or that male narcissism is a toxic male trait, but that narcissism in a Female is healthy and very attractive and even dare I say beautiful. I would love to see content that doubles down on the double standards and make even more emphasis on the division between males and the superior Women of the world and speaks to why this is natural and good and should be emphasized in the society. I immediately knew that I had found the right place for me to be when I heard your files on YouTube and realized that the way you describe males like me and the amazing Women we obsess over, perfectly matches with my life and views I already have but might not have really admitted to until now. Thank you for helping me better understand myself. Thank you again for your very hard work and dedication to making the world a better place.


lots of great stuff here. the biggest issue is that 98% of our supporters are single and not in an FLR so to make content for the other 2% is not useful to most followers. we have discussed ways around this and will continue to explore that but for now our focus is on serving all women. and destroying the toxic masculinity so many betas struggle with. this is great feedback. we also need to create yt safe content which is a mine field, to get our message to people like you. recently all our nwo files were demonitized for some reason. they money is not important but if yt can not run adds on the content they will supress it in favor of content they make money on. so we need to consider that as well. and sometimes we just want to make a file we like. so stay tuned lets see what happens in 2022 as this months content is already set in stone. :)