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We want to remind all males to never over extend when you give money to a superior female. Becoming a burden to others by being irresponsible with your finances is not how you serve women.


It had been months since your crush had locked you in chastity and the combination of your increasing frustration combined with your FSU crush training had really screwed you up. This was, of course, was exactly what was supposed to happen. As your sexual need grew, the training channeled that energy into thoughts of her. She was literally all you could think about. Every night as you struggled to fall asleep all you could think about was her. And in those thoughts, she was always using, manipulating, and humiliating you. You pictured her degrading you in public, barking orders at you as you blubbered and cried your sad little apologies. And all of those thoughts just made your caged little prick twitch and throb.

But tonight was particularly difficult as your crush had agreed to allow you to take her and her friends shopping. She had intentionally been ignoring you recently. Not returning your texts and blocking you on social media. But then tonight she finally sent you a message. 

"You're unblocked. Tomorrow, shopping with Jen and April. Pick us up at noon in a nice expensive rental and hand me the keys when you arrive!"

The way she just told you what to do, had always been a huge turn-on for you. Your body literally began to quiver as you quickly pulled up her social media profiles and started going through her pictures. Her pictures were an endless source of pleasure for you. And she knew it. Which is why she limited your access and constantly checked your devices for saved images. If she found any, your punishment was merciless and severe. 

This is not to say that you have no pictures of her. In fact the walls of your tiny efficacy apartment were decorated exclusively with large framed pictures of your crush. But those were it. That she allowed, and you always craved new images. Different ones. Something fresh. And today was no disappointment, as you opened up her latest gallery of pictures taken on her recent trip to the Bahamas. 

As you flipped through images of her wearing next to nothing, your heart raced. Of course, you knew you would never be allowed to see her naked body, that the very thought of you picturing her nude sent her into a furious rage, but a shot of her feet or some cleavage was overwhelming. So much so at one point, you had to put your phone down and calm yourself or you might have had a full-blown panic attack. Because as exciting as she was to you, she was equally terrifying. In an intoxicating way. The fear and arousal was intense and nerve-racking. But you loved it.

Upon returning to her images, you discovered a gallery that she just added entitled. "This boy is too good to me." You couldn't believe your luck. She finally was adding pictures of you to her profile. But as you opened the gallery, you were crushed to see images of what appeared to be her new boyfriend. 

She had told you she was still going to date, what she called "real men". But that as her beta male boyfriend you were not allowed to date anyone. That she demanded all of your attention, all of your energy. And that you should always be available to her. She did allow you to associate with her friends. All militant feminists, and just as demanding of your time. It seemed every free moment you were not working was dedicated to cooking, cleaning, and running errands for these ungrateful ladies. And Jen and April were the worst. Not only were they demanding and cruel, but they loved to have you admit how weak and pathetic you were over your crush. They would smile wickedly as they told you how much your crush was using you. How she constantly made fun of you. And told everyone what a little obsessive freak you were. How you hated April and Jen. And you dreaded seeing them again tomorrow. You knew that your crush only invited them because she knew it would make you miserable. And again. Your stupid friend surged in its cage. You never understood why your penis was so attracted to this treatment. Why you seemed only drawn to predatory women. And when you asked your crush that, she just smiled at you and told you that you were just too dumb for anything else.

But it was late and tomorrow is going to be a big day. So you laid back in bed. You needed to get up early to get the car. And you can not be late to meet the ladies. As you began to drift off to sleep. Your phone beeped again. Another message from your crush.

"Wear it! The big one! And the shirt! See you tomorrow."

And upon reading that your teeth started chattering, your denied genitals shrank into a horny little noodle. And your mind raced. There will be no sleep tonight. As you returned to her images and you stared at the pictures of her new romantic partner. Images of them flirting and kissing filled you with jealousy and shame. You wondered what it would be like to be him. To be with her in such a physical way. But as you began to picture her nude figure. Your internal crush spoke up.

"Don't you dare disrespect her you little shit!"

A familiar voice filled your mind. An internal version of your crush created by your FSU training. And you knew that your crush is always watching. Always judging. Even in your mind.

Images are from the big shopping day. You get to decide the rest. 



women's accessory

Number 9? I can only see 3 pictures. Am I missing something?

Joe Foster

I love number 4. I would to worship at the black stelleto boots of this female supremacy goddess.

Joe Foster

The girls can be so cruel. But as you know i cannot live without my crush. She means everything to me. I wii train harder. I cant loose her.