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So it's been a month or two since your last sexual release. And you are feeling a little fussy about this whole chastity thing. While it was fun for the first ten days. Now it is getting serious. You seem to be always anxious around women. Always emotional. Like a raw nerve dependent on their approval to calm you down.

Your mind is programmed with hours of FSU programming. So you are completely in love with all women. But it is becoming too much. You are scared. You can not stop thinking about your crush. You fear you will do something stupid. So you call up a woman online and scream into the phone "I NEED DRIBBLIE SQUIRTS".

We have worked with males who have looked into the abyss before. Who have been pushed to the brink of sanity. And whose will has been completely demolished. They stay awake at night worrying about what their crush will get them to do. And they just know. If they could release, even if it was only a little, they would be able to clear their head enough to stand up to her.

But women do not care about your little squirts. They really mean nothing to us. We might care about a "real man", a boyfriend, or stud we bring back for a hot night of fun. We may want to see him get off inside us. As he grunts and collapses.

But you have SQUIRTS. We call them DRIBBLIE SQUIRTS to remind us both that you are not to be taken seriously. And that you are a non-sexual thing. Your sexual energy was created by nature to stay right where it is. Inside your body. So it can soften your mind. And make you easy to control. Sorry. You are beta. And you are here to do the work required to make the lives of women easier.

But you continue to get more frustrated, after only a few short months. You start crawling the walls. And getting all moody and easily offended. Sulking and shuffling about while you do your chores. And we put up with it for a while. Because we know it's that false male ego lying to you again. And we pick our battles. And then comes the day when you put your foot down. You have been locked up for so long. And when we say "maybe next month" you scream. "I NEED DRIBBLIE SQUIRTS!". And the battle is on. But you have already lost, by referring to it as dribblie squirts. And we need to let you know you have lost. So we can move forward without all this nonsense. So we add on an insane amount of time. Something we know will make you completely lose it. And it scares you that we said it. Because you know that we say what we mean. And you have a choice to make.

It is time we show your false male ego who you listen to. It is screaming at you that we are being unfair. And we are. She is. Intentionally. To make your little ego upset. To bring it out of hiding. So that we can really do some damage to it. Settle this struggle.

Now even the strongest woman can not completely destroy your false male ego. It will always be there in your head. Judging you. Lying to you. It is just that you grew up in a patriarchy. So you are full of toxic masculinity. Sure you want to be a good boy. And you want to spend your days making women happy. But you first must confront that voice. And tell it that you listen to women now. Even if that means you are taken advantage of. Even if they are being cruel and unfair. You will just have to accept that.

But first, to further confuse you, she gives you an out. She reminds you that you can leave whenever you want. You can run home, and just have a ball with yourself. But that if you do, she will never speak to you again. And that is just how it will be. Her way. All the time. Every day. Or screw off. She will block your number. She will get a restraining order if she has to. You will never have her attention again. Ever.

But, now you realize that you are completely dependant on her for validation. She has crawled deep into your head. Isolated you from everyone that was not a female supremacist. The only people you know will be completely on her side. Because as a woman. She has the right to do whatever she wants. But beyond that, she has only allowed you to fantasize about her dominance and control. You have thousands of pictures of her. And each one is burned into your sexuality. She is the only thing that works now. And she works so well. As you look at her. Your brain is triggered over and again. Every part of her body is a fetish. Her voice is a fetish. She has moved into your sexuality and pushed out everything else.

Because she knows what she is doing. Never being too available. Starting small, making it all a game. Playing head games that keep you off balance. Until the only reality, you understand. Centers around her. To leave would be devastating. And to stay will be hell. And when you search your mind. To figure out what you want to do. All you hear is your FSU training. That your penis, your masculinity, your false male ego. LIES!

So you have a pretty big problem. You know that leaving her. Walking out the door. Will destroy you. She is divine in your eyes. It is like leaving God. And sure. You can go home. Have your fun. Tickle and stroke. And then dribble it out. As your eyes roll back in your head just thinking about it. It would feel so good. But then what?

You know from experience that you will eventually need her again. Like a compulsion. Early in the relationship she let you have a few accidents. While she was learning your limits. So she could push them. But you know you have no more chances. And she is the closest thing to love you have ever felt. She completes you. Understands you. She knows you are beta, and treats you that way. She is constantly judging you, making you dive deeper into your obsession with her. The harder you work for her approval the better it feels when she gives you a smile. Or just lets you hang out with her.

And she picked you because she knows that you will never be able to get a woman like her again. She is way out of your league. And she knew that when she began training you. Because that is something you will have to accept. This is it. Never again like this. If you leave, it is webcams and phone sex. And you know what that is like. So you decide. You will not leave.

But then you remember what she said. How long in chastity? You know she is serious. So that false male ego whispers. And you try to negotiate with her. To which she adds more time. And again, you know she is serious. You feel sick. And start to cry. And again. Her response is to your tears is to add more time. She knows that these are all tools of your false male ego. Ways it tries to get what it wants from women. Women are told to be reasonable. So many women will negotiate down what they really want. But not her. She takes your attempt as an insult. And punishes you for it. So you cry. Awwww, poor little male. How can a sensitive woman not feel pity for you? And give you what you want. Because she knows it's just an attempt to manipulate her. So she adds more time. Which brings more tears. And more time in chastity. She is completely unphased. And you are panicked. You already decided you could not leave. It would be too difficult. But your need is so great already. And she has just tripled the time you have already done.

Which is when you play your last card. You scream at her in anger because she is being so unreasonable. "I NEED TO DRIBBLIE SQUIRTS". The male ego's most overused weapon. Fear. But she is completely aware of how pathetic you are. And she knows you will never be able to really stand up to her. Because she is in your head. She is your crush. And she already owns you. But that does not stop her from doubling your chastity time again. And telling you that if you stay here "friend". You will have to go and live with her mother from now on. She will sublease your apartment. And you will move in with her mom. Because her mother will beat that fire out of you, every day, until you never raise your voice to a woman, ever again. For what you just said to her daughter, will so enrage her, she will love doing this to you.

Shaking. Your head spinning. You look at her. She is so cruel to you. So unfair. And somehow you feel the love swell inside you. She is perfection. She is your God.

And your mouth opens to tell her your decision.

So what's it going to be. And why. This is why we really want everyone to have a crush they can use for training. These types of thought experiments go so much better when you really have a woman you are obsessed with in your mind. And our training puts her there and makes her real.

What would you say to your crush?

How would you deal with never having a say about anything?




I agree, I want a crush who won't negotiate nor feel sorry for me. Feeling sorry for me would be like feeling sorry for her car. It's just a tool for her use, like I want to be.


and by keeping it inside. you will become more desperate to serve the female