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July is wrapping up and we already working on the releases we are going to be publishing next month. We will be training your mind deep with a need to be dumb. Then we are going to revisit the wonderful sissy story, as Rebecca Ivory shows exactly why all men fear her. And finally, we want to set you up with a tool that will help you in your interactions with the superior female gender.

Feel free to comment and let us know what you are excited about.

Excited Stupid Little Boy

One of the most important ways a beta male can support female supremacy is by staying extremely stupid and idiotic around women. Of course, we know that males are not nearly as intelligent or as wise as the superior gender, but that is not enough. This training file will go into what is expected of you by female supremacists' and how to achieve the appropriate level of stupidity and finally be useful to your superiors.

With repeat use, you will become dumber and more idiotic whenever you so much as think about women. Your brain will turn right off in their presence and all you will be able to do is absorb a woman's commands and requests. You will find it extremely stimulating to be at such a disadvantage around women. Your mind will file with submissive chemicals and all you will be able to think about is gaining their approval. And this will allow the women in your life to easily manipulate you and play with your mind. You will be dumb and defenseless. Wide-open and ready to be used by predatory females.

Just as mother nature intended.

Mothers Home - Sissy Story Time - Chapter 2

There you are. Standing on the front patio of the home of your crush. The security camera watching everything that is happening. Seeing it all. And what it sees is so very bizarre. A teenage male, fresh out of high school, wearing an adorable dress. So girlish. So pretty. In fact. It is so frilly and ridiculous that any female, regardless of age, would be mortified to be seen in it. Under the dress. Row after row of frilly petticoats. Blowing in the wind. Rustling. Holding the hem of the skirt out above the waistline of the delicate panties you are wearing underneath. Soft and silky. With the name of your crush, your love, embroidered on the butt. Ivory. Just thinking her name makes your heart skip a beat. And your palms sweat with anxiety. Fear, excitement, and pure love. 

But Ivory is gone now. She left you on the stoop. Where you are now waiting for her mother to come home. A real ball buster according to every male who dares speak her name. Her car pulls in. As soon as it stops, the passenger rear door flys open, and what emerges could be your sissy sister. Bows and lace explode from the car as Ivory's stepfather circles around the trunk to open his wife's door. He knows the consequences if she should ever have to open the door for herself. A terrified look on his heavily made-up face. Rosy cheeks, cute pouty lips, and long thick lashes do little to hide the fear this little man is feeling. If you were not wearing an almost identical outfit, you might have fallen down laughing as you watch him slip and slide in his slick little mary-jane shoes. But as big a spectacle as he is. It is Rebecca who always steals the show. She does not work for your attention. Her very being commands it. And as she makes her way down the sidewalk to where you are standing. She stares into your eyes, into your mind. And she is not smiling. Not laughing. Sissies are not funny to her, she takes the sissification of males very seriously. Something you are about to learn. As she stops inches away from you, you are still saying...

In August find out what happens in the next chapter of Sissy Story Time!

Female Interaction Checklist

We are finally going to put together a short checklist of what you need to be focussing on when you are interacting with the superior gender. The training file will go over what is expected during an interaction and then we will be offering a checklist so that you can audit your interactions throughout the day. So many males try and send the wrong signals, subconsciously. The patriarchy has told you that women are impressed by confidence and power in men. And while that may be true for some women, about some men. It is not true for you. The men that can attract women using confidence do not seek out training in female supremacy. They are not beta males. They are inferior to women. All males are. But they serve women differently. And by acting like a confident and strong man, you are setting the relationship up for confusion and resentment. Because she will quickly discern what and who you are, and she will likely feel as if you lied to her.

So you need to communicate that you are beta, and you are safe. That you are not the average patriarchal male. The lie. You are submissive, and you embrace your inferiority. You lift women up and celebrate their assistance in destroying your false male ego. You live to make them happy and will do nothing to burden them with your silliness.

After you have received this file and the checklist. You can carry it with you throughout your day. Then whenever you interact with a woman. You can keep mental notes about what we have covered in the training. As soon as you finish your interaction. You will need to run somewhere private and fill out and score the interaction. It is imperative that you reflect on all your interactions with women throughout your day so that you can find ways to improve as an inferior beta male. You will not only have to track what your interactions were like. But how often do you put yourself out there? The days of hiding behind a computer screen are over.

Over time your scores will increase, and women will feel more comfortable around you as they see you for the inferior beta you are. Soon no woman will respect you as a man, and you can finally live the life you have dreamed of. As a tool for the most predatory of women. A real beta male.


A little more information.

We would also like some feedback on some other things we are working on.

Female Supremacy Memes

We released more female supremacy memes this month and they seem to be pretty popular. We are using better graphics and really working hard to communicate how beneficial this "lifestyle" is to society as a whole. With short truths about the genders and how we can all work together to lift up the female-gendered to her rightful place at the top.

Do you find these posts useful and would you like to see more of them?

Reworking The Hives Website

A few of the ladies will begin working with theHIVE on redoing obeywomen.pink. It is badly in need of some reorganization and we want to add previews for the Patreon content on there as well. The issue is that Patreon does not offer much in the way of post teaser content to let people know what they are supporting. While many people do come from twitter and youtube, we do not want to be completely dependant on them when it comes to getting our important message out. There are powers in the patriarchy that would love to stop what we are doing. They see how it is taking hold. How badly humanity needs and wants a society based on the supremacy of women. And we are excited about what the future holds. But we need to be vigilant, so look for more ways to get trained sometime in the future. Just know that there is so much to do. so please be patient.



K Sub

Good morning and thank you for such great content. I have just recommitted my myself to joining this new future. i was wondering where i may find a copy of this work sheet so i can work to word daily submission to all Women..

K Sub

thankful ken