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We are not here to trick you. Or to lie to you. We feel that the best thing a woman can do for a beta male is to be brutally honest. To not worry about their silly feelings and tell them how it is. To treat them like adults, even though mentally they are always going to be immature children.

So if no woman has told you yet. Women do not think about erotic stimulation nearly as much as men. And this is great. It really gives women the advantage in personal interactions. But do not worry we will always use this disparity to our advantage, just as nature intended. We know that men are obsessed with physical pleasure, and this obsession makes them need the attention of women. Our approval.

So the Female Supremacy University is here to help you focus that energy, that need on making the lives of women better. Wasting your life online, surfing the web for XXX content, makes you miserable and does nothing to improve the lives of the women in your life. But if you train with our files. What excites you will begin to change. Being intimate with a woman is no longer exciting. Instead, you will crave to be washing her car, or paying for her meal. Why just letting a woman cut in front of you at the store will be thrilling. You want her to use you. And it is even better if she doesn't even thank you. Or acknowledge you.

Because with our help. Your true nature is beginning to emerge. You love women. And you need to make them happy. 

Have you begun to notice how your desires are no longer to possess women? To "date" them. To have them meet your needs. No. We are shaping you. One day you will look back on what used to excite you about women, and wonder how that ever was appealing. Your need to serve and obey the female. It is all that you want in life.

This is all possible because males are slaves to their bodies. Women do not have this critical flaw. But it really is not a flaw. Unless the male is untrained. Males are hyper-focused on this type of stimulation to make them inferior to women. Women are created to be bossy, demanding, and difficult to please. That is why you are so drawn to these characteristics in the superior female. It all fits together perfectly. Unless males are left alone to become narcissistic and selfish. But we will not let that happen. We tell you the truth. If you do not train. You will only worship yourself. And you will always feel empty and alone. And we don't want that for you.

So spend the weekend training. It is what you were born for. And ask not what womenkind can do for you. But what you can do for womenkind.

We are just better than you. Embrace it.




LADIES of the HIVE oink is going back over all the training files again and yes YOU are better than oink and oink does embrace YOUR superiority and oinks male inferiority. YOU are right oink is forgetting more and more what originally drew it to WOMEN. Now it is cleaning for WOMEN, glancing at WOMENS painted toenails in the grocery and asking them if THEY want to go in front of me in line even if oink has 2 items and SHE has 30.


Yep yep train train till I have no brain! Is now my motto!


I am learning that waiting on my crush hand and foot, keeps me at a level of sexual excitement. As she sees how willing I am to please her and make her life easier, she tends to push me deeper into service. I am excited and fearful as to what extent she will go. I will continue to show her my willingness to please as she takes me deeper into her service.