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We are going to be doing some work on organizing our content better. We understand many people have had issues with certain cloud hosting providers.

This is the place to offer your opinions and criticisms. Please know that we also have to consider the cost and TOS of the provider as well.

We have so much content that this will take a while. But we wanted our supporters to be able to offer insights and opinions on the choices we are looking at, or perhaps solutions we do not know about. We are going to be discussing it soon so please feel free to let us know what you think.




Thank You for starting this conversation, Goddesses. Onedrive works well for me here on Patreon, as I only have a cell phone and cannot download large files directly. Unfortunately, I'm not able to do so on The Hive or Stalkerbee websites, where virtual storage isn't an option. I would please appreciate Onedrive or a similar method being available on those sites. Thank You, Ma'am.


unfortunately, there are reasons we need you to download the files. And we are even have issue with patreon content being downloaded over and over again causing issues with the hosting. There really is not good solution for little people who do not want to pay 40% of the cost of the file to host it. we are still looking into dropbox. But the content is not really intended to be downloaded over and over again. We are still working on it and thanks for the feedback.

David Komarnisky

So far im not having any issues. All is going well with my downloading of training materials. But it's good to have an even better system.