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Here is a little preview of what we are working on for July. June was a little hectic with hardware issues and moving some equipment around, we are still trying to get everything organized. But that can not stop us from training your idiotic male mind. We know you need this. You have to have fresh training all the time. Your poor confused male mind has just be filled with lies.

And we are your only truth. The Female Supremacy University, as well as other hard-core feminist and female supremacy organizations. Your beta mind needs this type of content. So here is what is in the pipeline for next month.

reVirgin - Mind Eraser

The average beta male has done things and been exposed to stimulus that has left them confused about who they really are. Society has pushed most males into behaviors that are not appropriate for them. These males have seen sexual activity and may have even participated in it themselves.

The experience left them feeling inadequate and confused. This is because sex is not for the beta male, unless specifically requested by a superior female. Beta males should never pursue women for sexual gratification. It is your job as a male to stay in the more appropriate, platonic, "friend zone", role. This allows the female to seek sexual activity from a more skilled partner that will know how to pleasure her body. You are here to serve and obey only. that is your sexuality. Being used by women is what truly turns you on.

But things may have happened. And we are going to wype them out. A training file that erases any sexual memories and replaces them with more appropriate beta male interactions.

Story Time - NWO - CH 1 - The Fall of Man

In July, we will also be starting the saga of the New Women's Order. And the first chapter will show you how it all began. How the male was made a second-class citizen all over the world. Someone without any rights. And women rose to absolute power. As it was always meant to be.

Told from the first-person perspective, you find yourself watching the results of the last election you were allowed to a vote. Your mind spins as you struggle to remember how this all came to be. How women finally took over.

You will never believe what happened. And how the world finally saw the true colors of the male gender. The poisonous false male ego is exposed, and women finally stomp it out for good.

But this only the beginning.

(we will be alternating between NWO and Sissy Story Time each month)

She hates you. You love her.

She is cruel. Manipulative. And verbally castrating. She will tare you down to the ground. And then insist you run her errands, clean her home, and find her a romantic partner.

She thinks you are weak. Pathetic. And idiotic. She will berate you in public just to watch people stare and gossip about how yielding and passive you are. And she really does hate you. It is not a game for her. She does all this to watch you suffer, to make you squirm. And to ensure you do not infect the lives of other women who might mistake you for a "real man".

And even after all of this. The abuse, her using you and throwing you away. Even though you know she is a total predator. That she is using you. And she will likely turn you into a sniveling nothing of a person. You love her. You adore her. She gets your heart thumping like no one else. She is always on your mind. And you just have no defense.

This file will expand on the predator crush and make you even more attracted to these dangerous women. Dangerous for weak-willed little wimps like you. Little wimps who form the most powerful crushes on severely cruel women and desperately want to make them happy.

She really hates you. And you love her with all your heart. 

Next month, you will find out why, as you make it worse.


We are still working on the good boy content channel. But we really want to organize all the content we have a little better and perhaps have information about it on obeywomen.pink...

Things are getting unwieldy. But we will get it all figured out. Stay tuned.




I think we are all ready for some intense advance training. Are perverted little balls are yours to control.


I am very excited about all of the new content you are producing. The more you drive theses concepts into our little Beta Brains the sooner and better we will be able to serve the superior gender. Please keep it up and never let up. If it wasn’t for Women like you we would never find happiness and realize our true purpose in life.


we really do it to make the lives of women better. untrained males can be such a problem in the patriarchy... and soon we will see its complete collapse as people tire from the hyper testosterone drive culture they are trapped in.