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The human male evolved to be naturally weak or character. They are motivated by their primitive urges alone, and left to their own devices they would accomplish nothing.

The only reason any male ever accomplishes anything is because of women. To get their attention they will do whatever is necessary.

In the NWO males will embrace their weaknesses. Admit them. And beg women for help. Because she is your only source of strength.

Female Supremacists will be strict with you because they know you need it.

Tell us how you are weak.




I have always felt weak to Women, and had difficulty to resist them. I am shy and Ladies joked that I was "no threath at all", I just smiled. Now in the UFS, I can feel how my resistance is melting away. I crave to serve Women, I will no longer disobey them. I am so grateful whenever a Superior Lady of the UFS comments on one of my responses here, in particular when She corrects me, I feel grateful to Her for taking the time to help me become as better SIMP


ok. elina it is F.S.U. ... female supremacy university. you silly sissy simp


Thank You It makes me very happy to be called a silly sissy simp by a Superior Lady.


oink always looks at it superior but never longer than a second or two. oink keeps oinks head straight and eyes down. If masked oink always apologizes to my superior and if not masked oink does so quietly so as not to annoy my SUPERIORS.