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One of the biggest issues males have is that their false male ego is so big and so fragile. Now mind you, this would not be so problematic if they had not evolved to be genetically inferior to women.

So what you need to learn. Is how to allow a woman to put you in your place. And to be drawn to women who are not concerned with hurting your feelings to do this.

This is where FSU comes in. It is our goal to retrain you in this way, and we have already had great success.

So stop saying there are no bossy demanding women in the world.

There are plenty. Your arrogance, however small, and your fear keeps you in hiding. Behind your computer screen, alone. Sad.

Commit to our training and one day you will likely find yourself to be a spineless, sniveling, pathetically good little boy. Who is desperate for the slightest attention from the cruellest most demanding women.

And trust us. We keep those kinds of males around as long as they are useful.

And we know that this is what you need, and what you want. Because our research shows that a certain part of the male body always tells the truth, regardless of how much you lie to yourself.

Next month is New Womens Order month.

Stay primed.




This submale only joined the UFS a month ago but has been locked in chastity since and listen to several of the wonderful training files here. I feel my resistance is already weakening, and my attitude to all Women is changing to a much more humble stance. I am looking forward to learning more about the NWO.


Thank YOU Pink and all the LADIES at THE HIVE. Every post and file is making oink more weaker and compliant to the alpha gender. oink always knew WOMEN were superior. Oink has always sought out the alpha FEMALE. oink is grateful YOU are taking some of YOUR time to educate oink.