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While serving women is very much your responsibility, so is taking care of your mental and physical health.

We see some males jump in to training and burn out leaving injured and confused.

Your false male ego wasn't built in a day and it wont be defeated in a weekend of binge training.

Take time to evaluate your progress. Push yourself. But know when you need a break.

We are not involved enough to give useful and specific advice to each male.

Don't be a slacker but don't over do it either.




According to Google Shakti is a kind of raw energy fortress representing female power with control of death and destruction. She is suitably intimidating but I do not wish her to break me.

Taioba Gozagraxa

Oh, Shakti is all women, earth, sexual power, and the very nature of this universe we live in. If you worship any woman, you are worshiping her. Its because you dont use to call her by this name. But that's ok. Its not death literally, but death as a way of transformation of the self and transmutation of psychic energy. This is some of the effects of having your ego crushed and be placed into chastity. So its basically what we are doing here with theHive.


Oh. I will attempt to adopt this perspective without making a religious conversion.


A Western monk was denied sex by the church (he might have been bisexual or asexual actually, no idea). He wrote about his experience of love. “Love seeks one thing only: the good of the one loved. It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward.”. The guy was most likely a patriarch but I like his quote. I'm guessing you are a Hindu. It seems Indian culture once had deep roots of feminism.


My vulnerability is that when I over do training, people that I need for me to survive in this society start seeing the cracks in my double life. I have a lot of exposure to Western religion.

Taioba Gozagraxa

Hinduism is still very patriarchal, and very macho. Women are very oppressed in this system until today. I have a greater affinity with Tantra, which is also Indian, but has a more feminine root. See, masturbation without orgasm is a tantric technique, even used as an aid to meditation - as a way of exercising the female energy offered by the goddess. But be careful when researching tantra on the internet. There's a lot of bullshit and fantasy on the subject. I am not a hindu. I study and research religions but i have no personal religion by myself. I regret that you don't have so much freedom to live your ideas more fully.