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Time to prove what an absolute friendzoned lap dog you are for your crush. If you could take her on a chastity shopping spree what would you buy her.

Bonus points.
Find out that gift she can't afford for her boyfriend. And buy it so she can surprise him with it.

Her existence is your gift. And it is more than you deserve.

(Edge to this thought, imagine every store and gift)




That is the sort of thing I would have done when I was younger before my crush had mercy and let me sleep next to her a fair bit. However, I would have done it and done it very badly - spending more than I could afford, making my friends and family worry for my mental health and then taking it out on her in a tantrum - when actually it turned out she didn't feel like giving any of the items back to me!


oink has done this before in the past and it was good.