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We allow you to touch your pleasure center because we know you can not help yourselves. If we denied you stimulation entirely you would just be little sneaks and do it more.

So it is better we let you do it sometimes just without release.


We like you to feel ashamed about it. So say your mantra every day.

"Good boys dont touch themselves."




Good boys don't touch their selves


LADIES of THE HIVE and FSU oink is not anywhere near as smart as YOU but may oink suggest adding to the mantra unless a superior FEMALE commands the beta male to touch it.


Mantras are not just thrown together. They need to be short as possible and there are other things we consider. This is why we have mantra parts and just informational parts. But you make a valid point. We may need to do a video about permissions. What they mean. Unsolicited permission trumps everything. Remember she is always right. Even if she... who knows why, wants to have sex with you. If she thinks it might please her then you do it. Most likely she just wants a good laugh ;).


Thank YOU. As always YOU are right and kind enough to explain it to oinks simple little beta brain.


"Good boys don't touch themselves." Since starting the training I have become more focused and intent on maintaining long chastity periods. From being chronically addicted my mindset is to build into the summer. I want to buy last year's Summertime Chastity file to help with this, and then begin the long 2022 summer with the new training files. Maybe there will be future files on Supervision.