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Women know what is best for the male body. And masturbation to release is very unhealthy for you.

Please stop. For your own good.


Politician's bill to fine men for masturbating as 'act against unborn child' moves closer to law

Under the Man's Right to Know Act, Texan men would be fined $100 for every 'unregulated masturbatory emission' - although they may be reassured to learn this is a satirical bill highlighting how women have been targeted by anti-abortion laws.



A law like this should be in the constitution of every country on Gaia. It should be expanded to $10,000 and mandatory prison time in a FEMALE SUPREMACY prison of one year for males not owned by a FEMALE and one month if it is owned.


I remember this story, and became excited. It would be incredible to live in a world where masturbation is regulated by Women.