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The female form is absolute perfection. The culmination of 100s of 1000s of years of refinement. Its main job is to soften the male mind to make it easier to manipulate.

You can not fight mother nature. Happiness is acceptance.

Just stop pretending you are a "man". There is no such thing.




The female form is utter perfection without a doubt


The Female is magnificent. The Female is perfection. It is inevitable that a world will transpire in which the Female is utterly unattainable for any male. She will become his only Wonder of the World. A Galaxy out of his reach as She guides and orders him from up above. The entirety of his very being "filled" with Her through every opening and pore of his body. Not an atom of him in which She doesn't permeate.


women are magnificent. all males have to do is realize how inferior they are


These images fill me with intense desire.