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 One of the biggest issues with males is that they are constantly talking about themselves. They will blab on and on about what they like or want with complete disregard for the fact that no one else (especially women) really cares.  

This little file will fix all of that. You will be acutely aware of when you are over talking about you. You will feel shame around talking about yourself too much. And you will be a nice quiet listening boy. For women...  

This video uses female supremacy mantras. 

Since this file is age restricted we are offering a second way to gain access to it.

Download link:

Obey Women _ Pig Speak Phase Two.zip





Obey Women : Pig Speak Phase Two

Support theHIVE and join Patreon patreon.com/obeywomen One of the biggest issues with males is that they are constantly talking about themselves. They will blab on and on about what they like or want with complete disregard for the fact that no one else (especially women) really cares. This little file will fix all of that. You will be acutely aware of when you are over talking about you. You will feel shame around talking about yourself too much. And you will be a nice quiet listening boy. For women... This video uses female supremacy mantras. ___________________ this video produced by OBEYWOMEN.PINK to find more training and content. Female Supremacy is real! And it is time!



Hi, this video is video restricted. I do not want to give youtube or google my age verification. Can you please reup this file and give us the link? Maybe on OneDrive?


Hello Ladies of the Hive and FSU i would like to watch this video on Youtube. Unfortunately there is an age restriction on Youtube. And i don't want to give Google or Youtube my personal data. So i cannot watch this video. Would it be possible for you to upload the video again? But instead of uploading it to Youtube, do you put the video on OneDrive like you did with your other videos, please? That would be very nice of you. But even if you don't want to, you do an incredibly great job with your artistic videos. Many thanks for that


:) many thanks to YOU, superior WOMEN. YOU are extremely generous towards us pigs and inferior males.

FiFi Adams

What an amazing video. So pleasurable to watch and the audio will stick in your head all day. All oink can say is thank you so much to TheHive! Oink knows this training will work so well for oink. Piggies go OINK!!!


Excellent. Keep training.


You have done an incredible job on this video!!!


with practice, you can do it without thinking! you can do it.


Thank you oink will practice...

chris willians

Oink Oink. I love looking oink and girls oink butts. There is nothing oink that makes oink me oink so hard! I love oink to oink

Terry Kelly

Oink serve the Hive and all women. Oink obey all women. Command oink and oink will obey!


Would it be possible to get the piggy speak files available for audio download? They loop more easily on oink device.


Hmmm. Perhaps there is still one left. We would probably offer that for drone members as it is extra work :(


Oink just curious. Oink thought maybe it was easily separated from the video. Oink would very much enjoy as oink am a drone


Is it wrong for oink to edge while being trained. Am oink demonstrating oink piggy perversion?


No. Just edging is fine!


Oink say thank You TheHive for training oink!

Slave peter

I have always know I am a pig I just need housetraining


Oh im so jealous, i want to OINK too! Ok i need to watch theae right away


Vimeo is so expensive as they charge by how much content is downloaded because they do not run ads. To be honest for what patreon charges they should host videos.


I thought the next file would be about wanting women more. There was a OIKE video before and it worked on me.


it is about falling in love with women who hate you. that file will be up soon. this is an older file.

Jamie R

Oink gosh, that was so hard. To substitute the words, and deal with oink mind overloading at times. Troubling how oink's mind works...but also how often oink's pronouns there. Fear oink talks of oink'self too often.


It is meant for repeat use. The more you use it the easier it will be.

Jamie R

Thank you! Oink hope so!


LADIES of THE HIVE and FSU oink is reviewing files on the FEMALE SUPREMACY UNIVERSITY site. oink does try to use the word oink all the time when in the presence of any superior FEMALE (all of them). oink is not being disrespectful but oink reads most of the submissions of oinks fellow betas and oink thinks (?) YOU beautiful LADIES should reissue this file on a regular basis. All inferior beta pigs should always show respect to beta males superiors.


we have thought about that we are just debating exactly how. so we agree.


Form some reason cannot access this file.(age restricted???)


Been a bloody long time since I was under 18!


these are older. you have to go to youtube and watch. most of our recent files would not be allowed on youtube :).