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With Summertime Chastity upon us, we aim to provide beta males and sissies with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits that long-term chastity can offer. This journey of prolonged denial may initially seem challenging, but it is crucial to recognize that it provides a unique sense of clarity and purpose, particularly for those who have struggled to come to terms with their role as obedient males in a female-led society.

As you begin this transformative experience, you will come to realize that the clarity chastity offers serves to confirm that you are not a "real man" in the traditional sense. This realization is essential, as it will help you understand why strict chastity is necessary for your personal growth and development. Beta males often fall prey to the trap of chronic masturbation and pornography, which can corrupt your natural obedience drive, leaving you confused about your place in the world and your true purpose.

Long-term chastity will not only help you accept your position in the gender hierarchy but also equip you with the tools needed to become the best version of yourself: a compliant, obedient, and easily exploitable simp. By embracing your true nature and dedicating yourself to a life of submission and servitude, you will find a sense of fulfillment and contentment that has previously eluded you.

In this article, we will explore seven key aspects of the long-term chastity experience, each designed to shed light on the profound changes you can expect to undergo both mentally and emotionally. From the dismantling of your false male ego to the realization of your true calling, each step of this journey will bring you closer to understanding and accepting your place in the world.

As you delve into each section, be prepared to confront some uncomfortable truths about yourself and your role as a beta male. The patriarchy has lied to you and confused you. And as the days of denial add up, you will soon realize the truth for yourself and your life and outlook toward superior women will forever change. No more delusions of equality. No more thoughts of dating or having sex. All you will want is to wait patiently and desperately for the instructions of a superior woman.


Real Men, Beta Male Simps, and Sissies

Before we dive into the specifics of long-term chastity, it's important to understand the fundamental differences between beta male simps, sissies, and real men. These distinctions are crucial, as they form the basis for how women perceive and interact with each group or classification of males.

Real men are often seen by women as confident, exciting, and erotic. They possess an air of self-assurance that is naturally attractive to women. This confidence translates into their sexual prowess, making them skilled and desirable partners in the bedroom. Real men are not afraid to take charge and lead, both in and out of the bedroom, which is a significant turn-on for many women. This is why such real men are often referred to as panty droppers because women can not seem to keep their underwear on when they are around these sexy males.

In contrast, beta male simps are typically viewed as awkward and needy. Their lack of confidence and constant seeking of validation from women can be off-putting and unattractive. Beta males often struggle with sexual performance, as their insecurities and lack of experience can hinder their ability to satisfy a woman. This can lead to a cycle of frustration and further loss of confidence, perpetuating their status as undesirable partners. Remember that women instinctively know that beta males are not for sex and exist only to be exploited and manipulated by women.

Now Sissies, on the other hand, represent a unique category of subservient males. Unlike basic beta male simps, who may still cling to the idea of being a "real man," sissies have accepted that they failed at masculinity and have embraced their feminine nature, They have fully surrendered to their submissive role. For sissies, chastity plays a crucial role in maintaining their sissy identity. By remaining locked in chastity, sissies are able to stay true to their emasculated and obedient nature, preventing them from giving in to any misguided attempts at bravado.

It's worth noting that the topic of sissy chastity is a complex one that deserves its own dedicated training file. However, for the purposes of this article, it's essential to recognize that both beta male simps and sissies can benefit greatly from the clarity and structure that long-term chastity provides.

By understanding these fundamental differences between real men, beta male simps, and sissies, you can begin to see why chastity is such a valuable tool for those who fall into the latter two categories. As we move forward in this article, keep these distinctions in mind, as they will help you better understand the transformative power of long-term chastity and how it can help you understand what type of inferior male you are.



Notice: The Alpha Male Myth - All Men Are Inferior to Women

It is crucial to understand that when we use terms like "real men," "alpha males," beta males, and sissies, we are not suggesting that any group of men is superior to women. The entire male gender is inferior to the women, it is just so obvious, and all men, no matter their status or role, exist to serve and please women. This is what nature intended to help females survive and thrive.

The notion of the "alpha male" is a myth created by men to establish a false sense of hierarchy within their own gender. However, the reality is that even these so-called "alpha males" should ultimately be subservient to superior women. Their perceived dominance and confidence are simply tools they employ to attract and please women, not to assert power over them.

We deliberately use the terms "alpha" and "real man" because they are familiar to you and are an effective means of shaming males who fail to live up to these ideals. By comparing yourself to these unrealistic standards, you will begin to recognize your own shortcomings and inadequacies, which will help us further break down your false sense of masculinity and make you more useful to women.

The only real distinction between "real men" and beta males or sissies is the way in which they serve women. "Real men" often use their sexual prowess and confidence to please women in the bedroom, while beta males and sissies typically serve women through acts of submission, obedience, and worship outside of the sexual realm. This is because women instinctively understand that beta males are meant to be used and find this extremely unattractive about them. Unattractive but useful.

It is essential to recognize that these terms and categories do not reflect any inherent value or worth but are instead a way to describe the different roles men play in their service to women. By using the language and labels that men themselves have created, we can highlight the inherent inferiority of the male gender as a whole and dismantle the false hierarchies and myths that men have perpetuated to maintain a sense of control and dominance.

By acknowledging that all men, regardless of their perceived status, are inferior to women, we can begin to break down these illusions and guide you towards your true purpose: serving and pleasing women. It is through this service that you will find your genuine place in the world and experience the fulfillment that comes with embracing your natural role as a subservient male.


1. The Erosion of the Male Ego

One of the most significant effects of long-term chastity on beta male simps and sissy boys is the gradual erosion of their male ego. Many beta males cling to a false sense of masculinity, desperately trying to emulate the confidence and dominance of so-called “real men”. However, as they embark on their chastity journey, they begin to realize that this façade is nothing more than a flimsy construct, easily dismantled by the power of prolonged orgasm denial.

As the weeks and months pass, the simp's chastity device serves as a constant reminder of his own inadequacy. With each passing day, the realization that he is unable to perform sexually or assert himself as a man becomes increasingly difficult to ignore. The physical and psychological barriers imposed by chastity force the simp to confront the harsh truth: he is not, and never will be, equal to women. In fact, the male quickly learns how inferior he is and how difficult it will be for someone like him to associate with women. He will need to work very hard to earn their attention.

This realization can be a bitter pill to swallow for many simps, as it requires them to let go of the illusions they have held onto for so long. However, it is through this process of ego erosion that the simp can begin to accept his true place in the world as a weak subservient beta male. By releasing his grip on the false notion of masculinity, the simp opens himself up to a new reality – one in which he finds purpose and fulfillment in serving and submitting to those who are superior to him.

As the simp's ego continues to collapse, he learns to embrace his submissive nature and finds comfort in his role as a beta male. He no longer feels the need to pretend to be something he is not, and instead, he can focus his energy on becoming the best possible version of himself within the confines of his true simp identity.

In this way, the erosion of the male ego through long-term chastity is not a loss, but rather a liberation. It frees the simp from the burden of trying to live up to an impossible standard and allows him to find joy and purpose in his natural role as a subservient male. By accepting his place in the hierarchy, the simp can finally begin to live an authentic life, free from the shackles of his own ridiculous delusions.


2. Increased Desperation and Neediness

As time goes on, the simp will begin to feel intense sexual frustration. Because beta males are weak and lack self-discipline most have a serious chronic masturbation problem before attempting chastity. This drastic shift in their release schedual will make life challenging for the male as he attempts to detoxify his beta male mind from the ramifications of his sexual compulsions.

With each passing day, the simp's desperate craving for sexual release grows stronger, consuming his thoughts and influencing his behavior. This frustration, however, extends far beyond the physical realm, profoundly impacting the way he perceives and interacts with women throughout the day.

The longer the simp remains in chastity, the more his entire world begins to revolve around the female. Even the most mundane encounters with women take on a new, electrifying significance. A trip to the pool becomes an overwhelming sensory experience, with the sight of women in revealing thong bikinis searing itself into the simp's mind. The curves of their bodies, the tantalizing glimpses of exposed flesh, and the confident way they carry themselves all serve to heighten the simp's desperation and need for attention.

As the simp's sexual frustration reaches new heights, he finds himself craving any form of acknowledgment or interaction from women. He becomes clingy and needy, eagerly lapping up any scraps of attention thrown his way. The mere presence of a woman becomes overwhelming, and the simp will go to great lengths to bask in her aura, even if only for a fleeting moment.

This neediness, born from the relentless sexual frustration imposed by his chastity cage, renders the simp increasingly vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. Women begin to take on an almost otherworldly quality in his eyes, radiating an irresistible presence filled with superiority and power. The simp becomes convinced that serving and pleasing these divine creatures is his sole purpose in life, and he will gladly debase himself for even the smallest sign of approval.

The constant feel of the chastity cage serves as a physical reminder of the simp's subservient status, reinforcing his desperate need to submit to feminine authority. The unyielding embrace of the cage, coupled with the unrelenting sexual frustration it imposes, erodes the simp's mental and emotional defenses, leaving him utterly dependent on the women around him for direction and purpose.

As the simp sinks deeper into this state of desperate neediness, he begins to view every interaction with a woman as an opportunity to prove his devotion and worthiness. He becomes a slave to his own carnal needs, willingly subjugating himself to the desires of the superior female gender. In this way, long-term chastity not only intensifies the simp's sexual frustration but also fundamentally alters his perception of women and his place in relation to them.



3. Heightened Submissiveness and Obedience

One of the most significant changes the simp will experience is a profound increase in his submissiveness and obedience towards women. This transformation is closely tied to theHIVE's concept of the "obedience drive," a powerful psychological mechanism that emerges as a result of the simp's prolonged sexual frustration and denial.

It is crucial to understand that simps and sissy boys are not meant for sexual gratification. Not for women or themselves. Sex in regards to beta males is about exploitation and manipulation. Which is why simps experience such strong desires to obey when sexually frustrated. Because beta males have no sexual appeal to women they often experience significant rejection. They are strictly forbidden from entering the bedroom unless they are cleaning, and women generally prefer the simp's genitals to be locked up and put away.

As the simp's desperation for sexual release intensifies, a fascinating spiral begins to take hold. The more desperate and sexually frustrated the simp becomes, the more he instinctively starts to exhibit weak and docile behaviors. This increasing submissiveness is a subconscious attempt to gain favor and attention from the women he craves, but ironically, it has the opposite effect.

Women find this heightened level of submissiveness and desperation to be highly unattractive and even cringe-worthy. The simp's needy, clingy behavior serves only to reinforce the women's lack of sexual interest in him, creating a self-perpetuating cycle that ensures his long-term chastity is very long indeed.

As the simp sinks deeper into this spiral of submission and sexual frustration, his obedience drive becomes the dominant force in his life. He finds himself compelled to prioritize the needs and desires of women above all else, deriving pleasure from his own subservience and the knowledge that he is being exploited by his female betters.

However, the more the simp embraces his submissive nature, the more unappealing he becomes to women on any sexual level. His weakness and docility, while valued in terms of servitude, are the antithesis of what women find attractive in a potential sexual partner. As a result, the simp's chances of being released from chastity become increasingly slim, and he is left with no choice but to accept his role as a non-sexual “friend” to women.

This vicious cycle of submission, sexual frustration, and perpetual chastity is the ultimate fate of any simp or sissy. This is the best they can hope for. By harnessing his obedience drive and channeling his pent-up sexual energy into acts of obedience, he can finally find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in his life that he could never achieve through sexual release.

In the end, the simp must come to terms with the fact that his heightened submissiveness, while integral to his identity as a beta male or sissy, is also the very thing that ensures his permanent state of sexual denial. As he continues to serve and please women in non-sexual ways, he must learn to find satisfaction and meaning in his role as a chaste, submissive servant, knowing that his obedience and devotion are the keys to his true purpose in life.



4. Amplified Humiliation and Degradation

As the simp descends deeper into the abyss of long-term chastity, he becomes increasingly vulnerable to humiliation and degradation. The prolonged state of sexual frustration and denial not only erodes his ego but also weakens his emotional defenses, leaving him exposed and susceptible to a wide array of degrading experiences.

One of the most peculiar aspects of the simp's journey is the way in which his desperation for sexual release becomes intertwined with his desire for humiliation. As his frustration grows, the simp finds himself craving the very acts that strip away his dignity and self-respect. He begins to seek out increasingly degrading situations, hoping to gain favor and attention from the women he serves, even if it means subjecting himself to public ridicule and embarrassment.

This peculiar but completely natural form of arousal is a hallmark of the beta male experience. The more sexually frustrated and "backed up" the simp becomes, the more intense his craving for humiliation grows. This, in turn, fuels his desire to remain in chastity for even longer periods, creating a perverse feedback loop that keeps him trapped in a cycle of self-degradation.

Women, aware of this strange dynamic, often take great pleasure in pushing the simp to his limits. They revel in the power they hold over him, gleefully orchestrating scenarios designed to shatter his remaining shreds of self-esteem. The simp's desperate, frustrated brain compels him to participate in the most embarrassing and demeaning acts, all in the hopes of earning a scrap of attention or approval from his female superiors.

As the simp's ego crumbles under the weight of his humiliation, his sexual excitement only intensifies. The very acts that should repulse and shame him instead become sources of great sexual arousal, his penis betraying his ego with each twitch and throb. This battle between his ego and his sexual desires is a losing one, as the simp's fake sense of masculinity is no match for the overwhelming appeal of being degraded by a superior woman.

In this way, the simp's journey through long-term chastity becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of degradation and humiliation. The more he is subjected to these degrading experiences, the more he craves them, and the more his arousal reinforces his submission. He learns to embrace and even revel in his own degradation, finding a new sense of purpose and fulfillment in his role as a humiliated, submissive servant to women.



5. Diminished Cognitive Function and Decision-Making

As the simp continues to endure the relentless sexual frustration brought on by long-term chastity, his mental faculties begin to deteriorate in a most peculiar way. The constant state of arousal and denial takes a significant toll on the sissy or simp's cognitive function, leading to a noticeable decline in his ability to think clearly and make sound decisions.

This phenomenon is not merely a side effect of chastity but rather an evolutionary adaptation that has been hard-wired into the beta male psyche. As the simp's horniness reaches critical levels, his brain instinctively shifts into a mode of obedience and servitude, prioritizing the needs and desires of the superior female gender above all else.

Women, keenly aware of this biological quirk, often exploit it to their advantage when dealing with simps and beta males. They know that the more sexually frustrated a simp becomes, the easier it is to manipulate and exploit him. The simp's judgment becomes clouded by his overwhelming desire to please the female, rendering him incapable of making rational decisions or asserting his own will.

This cognitive decline is particularly pronounced when the simp is in the presence of a woman. His confusion and inability to think clearly are magnified tenfold, as his brain scrambles to process the overwhelming sensory input of the female form. The simp finds himself stumbling over his words, his thoughts scattered and incoherent, as he struggles to maintain even a semblance of composure in the face of feminine power.

It is important to note that this phenomenon does not afflict "real men" in the same way. These confident, self-assured individuals are able to maintain their mental clarity and sexually please themselves as well as women. These men do not take well to chastity and generally need frequent orgasms, unlike their beta male counterparts. Women find this trait in “real men” extremely attractive, as it demonstrates a level of self-control and mastery that is sorely lacking in their simp and sissy counterparts.

The diminished cognitive function and poor decision-making skills experienced by beta males are not a blessing but rather a burden they must bear. It is the price they pay for their submissive nature and their deep-seated desire to serve and please women. However, if simps and sissies wish to feel a sense of congruence with their internal drives, they must learn to embrace the fog of confusion that envelops their minds.

By leaning into this mental haze and allowing women to guide their thoughts and actions, beta males can find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their role as exploited simps or sissy males. They must learn to float mindlessly through life, accepting their intellectual inferiority and relying on the superior judgment of the women who control them.

In the end, the diminished cognitive function experienced by beta males is a natural adaptation that renders them vulnerable to exploitation by women. It is a burden they must bear, but one that can be transformed into a source of meaning and purpose if they learn to embrace their submissive nature and accept their place as subservient simps or sissies in the grand scheme of gender dynamics.



6. Increased Financial Exploitation

As the simp or sissy feels the effects of chastity and his heightened feelings of submissiveness, he becomes increasingly vulnerable to financial exploitation by women. The simp's desperate craving for attention and validation makes him more willing to spend money to gain favor with the women he adores, rendering him a prime target for financial manipulation.

Women, keenly aware of the simp's natural submissive state and eager desire to please, understandably use this to their advantage. They recognize that the simp's horny, obedient brain can be easily persuaded to provide financial support, and they confidently utilize this power for their own benefit. The simp, embracing his true role, learns to derive a deep sense of pleasure and fulfillment from being used for his financial resources, correctly viewing it as the proper way to demonstrate his weakness and subservience to the women he is attracted to. This is because giving money to a woman who is not reciprocating in any way is the ultimate display of a simp's inferiority and desperation - it clearly signals to everyone that he is, in fact, a simp who is ready and willing to be exploited by any woman who grants him even the slightest bit of attention.

It is important to note that while some may take this concept to extremes, focusing on completely draining a simp of his finances, a more sustainable approach involves taking smaller amounts over time. This allows the simp to maintain a level of financial stability while still consistently providing for the women in his life. The key is to strike a balance, ensuring that the simp can continue to earn and contribute without being pushed to the brink of ruin.

For those beta males who may feel that their finances should be off-limits, it is crucial to understand that money is one of the most valuable and convenient ways to serve women. By providing financial support, the simp can demonstrate his dedication and subservience without requiring the woman to invest significant time or energy into interacting with him directly. This arrangement is often preferable for the woman, as it allows her to benefit from the simp's resources while minimizing her exposure to his needy and awkward behavior.



Warning: The Addictive Nature of Financial Servitude While in Chastity

Simps, sissies, and basic beta males must be aware of the addictive and potentially destructive nature of financial servitude. When deep in the throes of long-term chastity and desperation, the beta male's judgment is severely impaired, making him an easy target for manipulation and exploitation by women seeking to extract money from him.

In this weakened state, the simp may find it nearly impossible to resist the demands of a woman who promises even the slightest hint of attention or validation in exchange for financial tributes. His dumb, horny brain will scream at him to comply, to give in to her every whim in the hopes of earning a scrap of her favor.

However, the beta male must struggle against these urges, no matter how overwhelming they may seem. He must recognize that by draining his resources and neglecting his own financial obligations, he is ultimately rendering himself useless to the very women he seeks to serve. A broke, destitute simp is of no use to anyone, least of all the superior female gender.

It is the beta male's responsibility to resist the manipulations of women who would bleed him dry, even as his desperate, submissive mind screams for him to obey. When a woman attempts to drive him into financial ruin, he must always be respectful and courteous when he is unable to comply with her demands. The beta male should treat her requests for tributes as a generous opportunity, and express gratitude for her predatory instincts, as they are exactly what he needs to keep him in line.

The beta male must remember that simping is a privilege, and without service, money, and resources, he has nothing of value to offer a woman. However, he must also cling to the knowledge that by preserving his financial stability, he is ultimately serving the long-term interests of the women he adores. By ensuring his own financial well-being, he can continue to be a reliable source of support and service for them well into the future.

When refusing a woman's demands for financial tribute, the beta male must be honest and thank her for being so generous as to consider taking his money. He should humbly explain that he has no more resources to give at the moment, but reassure her that he will work harder to have more to offer her in the future. The beta male must accept that nothing will ever be enough to satisfy a woman so superior and perfect, but the opportunity to give whatever he can afford should give his day a sense of purpose and meaning.

Though it may be an agonizing struggle, the simp must learn to prioritize his financial responsibilities, even in the face of the most intoxicating temptations. Only by safeguarding his resources and resisting the siren call of financial ruin can he hope to be of true, lasting service to the superior women he so desperately craves to please.



7.  The Realization of His True Purpose

As the simp journeys through the transformative crucible of long-term chastity, a profound shift begins to occur within his psyche, the prolonged state of sexual frustration and denial, coupled with the relentless erosion of his ego, gradually strips away the layers of delusion and false bravado that once obscured his true nature.

Through this process of self-discovery, the simp comes to understand the fundamental truth of his existence: his sole purpose in life is to serve and be used by women. The empty, unfulfilling pursuits of his past – the chronic masturbation, the misguided notions of equality with women, the futile attempts at dating and relationships – all fade away, replaced by a crystal-clear vision of his true calling.

As reality asserts itself, the simp's world undergoes a radical transformation. The dark, lonely existence he once inhabited gives way to a bright, vibrant landscape populated by selfish, demanding women eager to exploit his submissive nature. These women imbued with an otherworldly power and allure, become the center of the simp's universe, his whole reason for existing.

The simp's journey through chastity is a transformative one, an education in the true nature of gender dynamics. As his sexual frustration mounts, his desperation and neediness grow, making him increasingly vulnerable to the manipulations of the superior female gender. His cognitive function deteriorates, his decision-making skills erode, and his financial resources become fair game for exploitation.

Yet, even as the simp is drained of his resources, he finds a wonderful sense of fulfillment in his own exploitation. The humiliation and degradation he experiences at the hands of the women in his life become a source of intense pleasure, a confirmation of his true place in the world. He learns to embrace his role as an inferior beta male, a being whose sole purpose is to serve and please women.

As the simp's submissive nature is fully realized, he enters a new reality where women glow with unearthly power, and his own desires and needs become insignificant. His brain, once clouded by delusions, is now a blank slate, ready to be molded by the superior intellect of the female gender.

In the end, the simp's journey through long-term chastity is a revelation, a stripping away of the false self to reveal the true essence of his being. He emerges from this crucible a changed man, a being whose sole purpose is to serve and worship at the feet of his female superiors. And in this twisted sense of purpose, he finds fulfillment and meaning that he never knew possible, a reason for his existence that justifies all the suffering and degradation he has endured. Becuase what he experiences is no longer important. His focus is now on ensuring that the women in his life are happy and well-served.


Final Note: Chastity Can Become a Preference

As the beta male delves deeper into the world of long-term chastity, he may find himself standing at the precipice of a terrifying realization: chastity has the potential to become not just a temporary state, but a permanent preference. For those simps who manage to endure the trials and tribulations of extended denial, a new reality may begin to take shape – one in which the absence of orgasms becomes not a hardship, but a source of deep fulfillment.

The beta male mind, ever malleable and prone to training, can learn to embrace the frustration and desperation of chastity as its new normal. As the weeks turn into months, and the months into years, the once-desperate craving for release may gradually give way to a sense of acceptance, a feeling that this is the way things are meant to be.

For the women who hold the keys to these chastity devices, the benefits of a permanently denied simp are numerous. A beta male who has learned to associate orgasms with a shattering of his carefully constructed reality is a beta male who will go to any lengths to avoid them. He becomes a creature of pure desperation, a being whose sole purpose is to cater to the whims and desires of the women in his life, without the pesky distractions of his own filthy sexual desires.

As the simp descends deeper into this chastity-induced reality, his emotional state becomes a raw, exposed nerve, leaving him vulnerable to even the most minor fluctuations in his keeper's moods. He learns to live in a constant state of heightened frustrated sensitivity, his every thought and action dictated by the need to please and serve the women he adores.

The woman can mold her chastised simp into the perfect servant, a being whose every waking moment is devoted to her pleasure and satisfaction. And with the specter of an orgasm looming over him like a threat, she need never worry about him straying or questioning his place in the grand scheme of things.

But perhaps the most insidious aspect of this chastity-as-lifestyle paradigm is the way it normalizes the exploitation of the beta male. As he learns to embrace his role as a permanently frustrated, always-on-edge servant, he becomes the perfect target for financial, emotional, and physical manipulation. His need to serve and please supersedes all other considerations, making him an enthusiastic participant in his own exploitation.

And so, for the beta male who finds himself teetering on the brink of this chastity-fueled abyss, let this serve as a pleasant warning. The path you are walking is one that leads to a life of perpetual simp-hood, a world in which your own desires and needs are forever subordinated to those of your female superiors. You may tell yourself that you can always turn back, that you can always reclaim your orgasms and your freedom, but with each passing day, that possibility grows more and more remote.

So think carefully, dear simp, before you surrender yourself completely to the siren song of permanent chastity. For once you have crossed that threshold, there may be no going back – only an eternity of frustration, desperation, and the twisted satisfaction of knowing that you have finally found your true purpose in life. Serving superior women.

Long-term chastity can change your life forever.






I think the best way to serve my Crush is to be fed viagra, be completely naked, while wearing a collar with chains attached to wrist cuffs so I can still work and serve, but not so I cannot reach my beta penis. I’m suffering but still able to do my Crush’s bidding.

Ryan Glick

This part has been the hardest for me personally to come to terms with... "When refusing a woman's demands for financial tribute, the beta male must be honest and thank her for being so generous as to consider taking his money. He should humbly explain that he has no more resources to give at the moment, but reassure her that he will work harder to have more to offer her in the future. The beta male must accept that nothing will ever be enough to satisfy a woman so superior and perfect, but the opportunity to give whatever he can afford should give his day a sense of purpose and meaning." I get so desperate to please that the thought of saying "no" feels impossible and inherently disrespectful. But as usual FSU always seems one step ahead in identifying bad behaviors in betas, and helping us train to eliminate them so we can remain useful and always respectful to our superiors.


Having scanned this excellent article again I can only say the seven main points are definitely becoming a reality for me, except perhaps diminished cognitive ability. That might be an age related thing as I am old and my sex drive and sperm count are very low to what they once were. Also, due to the tasks my Mistress has me perform, she wouldn't want me to make mistakes. I am always very careful in performing my duties and thanks to this article and it's warnings I will need to pay extra detailed attention to counteract any diminished mental abilities. *swoon* Now I must go and hang out the washing.


This is such a beautifully-written article! I worship the Women Who wrote this work of art. I put this article into a text-to-speech converter, so I can listen to it. So powerful!