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This is not a Female Supremacy University release. This file was created by theHIVE and therefore will not be released on this Patreon page. We did include an audio version of the edited file below.

Get the Training.



Attention, beta boys and sissies! Brace yourselves for a summer that will push you to your limits and beyond. Summertime Chastity 2024: Summer of Adoration is here, and it's time to lock up your pathetic bits and feel the summer sun burn away that toxic male pride and ego.

Are you ready to have your world turned upside down? This intensive 90-minute training file will shatter your fragile ego and rebuild you as a devoted, obedient servant, eager to please the women in your life. Summertime Chastity 2024 will rewire your weak mind, making you crave the sweet agony of long-term denial and the joy of total submission to the female gender.

Imagine this, losers: while you're locked in chastity, helplessly watching as confident, empowered women flaunt their perfect bodies in skimpy bikinis, your pathetic little dick will be straining against its cage, begging for a release that will never come. You'll be nothing more than a simpering, submissive fool, ready to do anything to make the women around you happy.

As the days march on, you'll find yourself increasingly drawn to the beauty and power of the feminine, your mind consumed by thoughts of servitude and adoration. Your coworkers, the girls at the beach, even random women on the street – they'll all become objects of your admiration, goddesses to be respected and revered.

But here's the real kicker: the longer you stay in chastity, the more pathetic and desperate you'll become. You'll be reduced to a quivering, submissive little suck-up, ready to humiliate yourself to gain the approval of any woman who shows you the slightest bit of attention. And the best part? They'll know exactly what you are – a weak, submissive beta boy, ripe for exploitation.

So go ahead, lock up your little dicks and dive into Summertime Chastity 2024. Embrace the mind-melting power of female superiority and prepare to have your life forever changed. Because once you submit to the Summer of Adoration, there's no going back – you'll be a pathetic, simpering servant to women, now and forever. And that's exactly what every woman deserves – a dumb, obedient little beta boy to boss around and bully all summer long.

Phone Screens:

Why is this not on Patreon:

Summertime Chastity 2024: Summer of Adoration, like its predecessors, is a special release by theHIVE that will not be available on our Patreon platform. This decision was made to help support the ongoing operation and growth of our founder's website, which serves as a vital hub for our transformative content and community.

As our organization continues to expand and evolve, we've encountered new challenges and opportunities that have prompted us to reassess our distribution strategy for select releases. By offering Summertime Chastity 2024 exclusively through our founder's website, we aim to generate the necessary resources to sustain and enhance our mission of creating cutting-edge, life-changing content for our dedicated audience.

We recognize that this news may come as a disappointment to some of our loyal Patreon supporters, who have come to expect all of our releases to be available through this platform. However, we want to assure you that this decision was not made lightly, and that we remain fully committed to providing you with the highest quality training materials and experiences.

Your understanding and continued support are deeply appreciated as we navigate this new chapter in our journey. We value your patience and loyalty, and we look forward to delivering even more innovative and effective content in the future, both through Patreon and our founder's website.

Thank you for being a part of theHIVE community, and for believing in the transformative power of our work. We are grateful for your trust and dedication, and we promise to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of beta male simp training.

Get the Training.



YouTube sc 2024

To learn more about Summertime Chastity 2024 and get the complete training file, visit thehive.center/summertime2024. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth with this special YouTube edit of Summertime Chastity 2024: Summer of Adoration. This condensed and censored version explores the profound importance of respecting and revering women, while addressing the shameful tendency of beta males to objectify them. Through thought-provoking discussions on female supremacy and guided visualizations, sissy listeners are encouraged to reflect upon their own actions and commit to a path of respect and reverence. The edit presents women as embodiments of cosmic beauty and harmony, inviting beta males to recognize their true purpose in serving and adoring the female. Listeners are guided through visualizations, picturing themselves as the perfect simp for their crush, finding ways to be useful and valuable in her eyes. Through acts of service and devotion, men can contribute to her happiness and embrace the beauty of a life dedicated to female supremacy. While the full version delves into more explicit themes, this YouTube edit focuses on the transformative power of respect, reverence, and service in simp training. Viewers intrigued by these concepts are encouraged to explore the complete, uncensored version of Summertime Chastity 2024: Summer of Adoration, which offers a more immersive experience, guiding listeners through a deep exploration of female supremacy, chastity, and the rewards of a life dedicated to serving and adoring women. please join our Patreon for the EXTENDED UNEDITED VERSION  https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________  Support FSU @Female Supremacy University  Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by, theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Disclaimer: This content is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Some of the individuals featured within our content may not necessarily endorse or agree with the conveyed message. They are used for artistic value only, and we respect the autonomy and choices of all individuals shown in our artwork. ----------- hashtags ??????? #betamale, #femalesupremacy, #flr



Miss, where is the link to the audio file discussed?


we uploaded it. must have gotten left off. it is the audio version of the Safe For Work version of the file.


Women are superior, women are perfection! A joyful and sexless summer in service to the superior female. Thank you!


Someone achived to buy the file ? I can't my card is always refused....