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So let me direct.

I'm unhappy with the current arc, though we are nearing it's climax and I intend to see it through to the end. Conversations both here and on Discord over the past 24 hours have left it very clear that y'all want a definitive conclusion to this arc and I'm going to put all my attention into delivering..

Beyond that, I'm unsure if I should continue with the established universe or simply reboot the series and do away with all the magic and shonen fight scenes and instead keep it grounded in bdsm sexytimes. On the one hand, I'd have a fresh start without the burdens of all the shonen/magic tropes that weigh down the current narratives. On the other hand I'd lose years of character development and their histories.

Furthermore I'm unsure if I should be pursuing the side comics like Collar d6 that have constituted the bulk of my updates in 2023. Some of you seem to enjoy them, some of you would rather I focus on the mainline story. I want to please everyone and I wish I were capable of the output I *used* to be so I could simply do multiple strips a week.

And that's another issue. I've become so perfectionist with what I do, so focused on trying to make it look as good as possible that my output is slower than ever. And that's a me issue. I'm starting to feel like I'm going to have to make sacrifices and start accepting that they can't all look super great if I hope to increase my output again.

I can't please everyone, regardless of what I do, I know. And while I've been accused of treating the audience like collaborators in making decisions, I feel that it's justified to turn to you all for guidance because ultimately, y'all are paying me to do this and I want to do what *y'all* want.

And so I'd like to hear y'alls thoughts on all of this. I want to know what y'all like, what you don't like and what you'd like to see from me in the future. Right now, I'm going to put my full efforts into the Blackstone arc and bringing this to a proper conclusion.

Lastly, the previous poll for next week's update was won overwhelmingly by Collar d6, so that will be posted on the 30th. New C6 will go up this weekend. Hope y'all enjoy it.


Great Scott

I don't speak up much here. I haven't left you so far, so I (and probably most others here) am not likely to do so any time soon, regardless of what you do, or don't do, for that matter. Just keep writing and drawing, regardless of the title, for you have a lot of them available to you. You have interesting ideas, and stories, and you draw well too. Perhaps you're just a little bit too much of a perfectionist. As the saying goes, do not let the perfect become the enemy of the good enough. A question: how much of your work is electronic, versus paper and pencil/pen? That is, do you have a drawing tablet? Anyway. Because I like the characters you've developed in C6, I would like to see the end of this story arc, just to see what happens. However, I've waited a long time, and I'll continue waiting, as long as necessary, just to eventually see the end. That means, I do not mind it when you need to take weeks or even months between updates. Just get there. Eventually. Not now, whenever. No rush. If you want to draw / story-tell another of your ideas, then do so. If you have an idea for a one-off (or two-off), then just do it. Do it on whatever schedule you can manage, it does not have to be a fixed/immutable schedule, so don't over commit yourself. Better to under commit and over deliver. That means, work at whatever pace works for you. Just keep drawing and storytelling, anything and everything. We're good with it. Hang in there, keep the faith.


My suggestion would be to continue Collar6 but permanently shift to a lighter tone after this arc. Stick with these characters and their world, but have their future stories be more slice-of-life and/or dealing with less serious villains. Similar to what the comic was like in the period after they stopped Xor and before Blackstone kidnapping them. Let us see the girls move on from their current predicament and get back to happy lives as a kinky poly lesbian family in a world where that's accepted. I've enjoyed pretty much all your comics. So I'll probably be happy with whichever direction you go.


I've threatened to buy her a drawing tablet/screen for her PC, but she says she won't accept it since she works old school pencil on paper originals.

Juy Juka

Hello Dear, you are hung up on "perfect" way too much. I liked your style back then and I like it now. Please try to be less over-critic on yourself - I know that is hard, but please try. Good luck. I expect to not care about your story decission in the end, so don't get hung up on my response alone. K? I would hate only one thing, if you would reuse the same characters. I realy liked the suggestions by other users to just move on from the shonen stuff (I gave all of them a heart). There is no need to break the continuety and to reboot, there is just no need to plunge the whole world (or the characters bit of it) into danger again. I would like the story to stay continous and to just move the focus to live and BDSM. Let the world be as magical and different to ours as it is - I like it that way - and let the characters live life - having to learn a normal life (for that universe) will be very fun too (and very kinky I asume :-) ). Greetings Juy Juka


My personal opinion on the matter is this: if you do want to fully reboot the original C6 setting here, even after all of what has been said by others, it is your choice and I will fully respect whatever you end up deciding to do... But I could see a potential compromise being that the stakes end up being permanently lowered after this story arc has ended, with all of the really big world ending dangers being either fully dealt with by our heroes in a definitive way (so there's nothing left to come back and try attacking them), and/or the Association and its allies reward our heroes; by declaring that they are going to be taking a far more active role in trying to protect the world from threats like the last two major situations that our heroes have dealt with from this point on (while they would also privately 'suggest' to Michelle that she step down from her position as Mistress Sixx, since she's gotten a whole lot of attention for all of her recent deeds and they can clearly see she's not at her best since the 'incident' involving Blackstone, with this title being reclaimed by Nora or a new person taking over); with them giving all of our heroes what is pretty much an indefinite vacation? So, they only have to deal with minor problems for the foreseeable future, as well as adjusting to all of the major shifts this last arc has ended up causing in all of their relationships with each other (especially true for poor Michelle, who has finally experienced true submission for the very first time). Might be a good reason to have a world tour take place!


Thank you love, I appreciate the kindness! I do believe you and the others are right in that it's time for me to move past the shonen tropes I keep falling back on and this arc will be the end of all that fighting/shonen stuff with the strip going back to being bdsm/life/romance/comedy afterwards. Most of the Blackstone arc is done and over with now anyways so I'm closer to being back to the strip being what it should be now~


The reboot *IS* tempting and why I keep coming back to the idea, but I think you and the others are right. A compromise is in order. So the Blackstone arc will be the send off to all my shonen tendencies and put things back to what they were after the Kappel arc. BDSM, comedy and relationships driving a narrative that will exist primarily for me to goof around with bondage rubber fetishists~ Thanks for the insight and feedback Jade, always appreciated!