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What was it I said two weeks ago? Something about not having any long delays again? If I could go back in time and slap myself I would. Anyways. I don't want to turn this into another whining session so I'll sum up the extended delay with a brief explanation.

Firstly, scripting issues. And more complications as I tried to work out where I can take this story that won't feel like torture to me. Secondly, my mental health issues have been mopping the floor with me and it's been difficult to draw anything presentable. Or sleep. Or be anything but an unproductive zombie. But now I'm whining again and I do too much of that. Sorry.

Inks will be up in a couple of days with the finished version to follow shortly after. The 6$ tier isn't something that's going to happen for a while. I'm struggling as is and I don't want to promise more than I can deliver (which, let's be fair, I've already done by failing to meet my weekly updates with C6). I'm sorry everyone. I'm doing my best (which isn't saying much). See y'all shortly with the inks. Love y'all and thank you.



Wild Card

I've said this before: the pages take as long as they need to take and can't be rushed. We are getting updates, we see progress, that is a success.


You are way to negative on yourself we can be patient. Sorry if I sound rude