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Since I actually have scripts now, I'll be moving right to work on the next one so there won't be a long passage of time between updates anymore~ Thank you for your patience and support everyone~

At the end of the month I'll be dropping a bonus strip for the 6$ tier that's about to go live. It's not connected to the mainline C6 and not necessary, just a reward for peeps giving me an extra buck a month~ And to those who do: Thank you so very much~

I'll see you all with pencils for the next one in a couple of days time, until then, take care everyone! Love y'all~




Hard, throbbing p l o t


Oh wow, this certainly seems to be a very interesting turn of events which we are seeing here: Evita having to team up with both Starlight Butterfly and the very Judiciatrix whom she'd defeated in the past during the successful jailbreak of Michael from the Association (with this person still clearly holding a slight grudge about that event when we last saw them in #1186, them clearly feeling that both Evita and the rest of her group were all Karma Houdinis who got off scot-free for their various crimes [or the punishments was way too light in their eyes]; even though all these actions had ended up revealing a serious threat that hardly anyone in the Association had known about, the outcome still must have stung their pride something fierce)... But, given the very dire situation they are in here, there's not a whole lot of choice in the matter for either side (except to accept this new alliance and hope that the other group will actually keep to their side of this bargain until Blackstone's been defeated once and for all), is there? And Evita did seem pretty freaked out at seeing Starlight Butterfly here, after she had fully recovered all her senses from experiencing the Punishment Paths (which took her several hours), only staying silent when they grabbed her mouth. She might have thought that was just her mind playing tricks on her earlier, along with potentially wondering if the current situation had gone from bad to even worse! So, there's at least three primary factions who are actively at play in the Blackstone Estate right now (Blackstone herself and those under her influence [this group wanting to keep all their captives and train them into whatever roles their leader feels like putting them in], Starlight Butterfly's group [with them seeking to stop Blackstone and free people from her, even if this group still wants to punish a few of the captives themselves later on] and a potential wildcard; consisting of Xor himself, his current goal being to find out why he can somehow sense the presence of his sister; but that might change once he learns more about the situation), with another group also in transit consisting of Nora and any allies she was able to call on (even if this group might only arrive at the climax of this arc, or to help clean up after the battle has ended), along with some minor groups who are connected to the larger ones... We know what skills and advantages that Blackstone's group all have available to them, but apart from the primary element of surprise (given that Blackstone is unaware of either group being present, Xor having taken over Rhondonite's body when she was knocked out, which meant Starlight Butterfly's group did not set off any alarms when they'd grabbed Evita), what other advantages do the others have right now? Whatever happens next here is going to be very interesting to see though, since all of the plans each side have are going to end up clashing with each other at random, making it impossible to tell for certain who will end up on top. And who knows, maybe Starlight Butterfly and her current underling might end up forgiving Evita by the end of this story arc, even though that event might be a stretch!