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I'm not thrilled at how this turned out, but I'm finding my artistic legs again. I apologize for the long absence between posts and sincerely appreciate all of you who didn't rightfully leave months ago. I'm hoping to up my output as I get a running start again. For now, I'm going to stick to an every Saturday release of CollarV.

This continuity is set in the same strip as L6, which had four strips uploaded here last year. I'm including them along with this just so anyone wanting to re-read them don't have to rummage through the backlog for it.

I really hope y'all wind up enjoying this series. I know I personally will because it's a chance to return to the light-hearted bondagey-fetishy fun I used to specialize in. Still somewhat on the fence about whether or not to include magic elements and I'm curious what y'all think on that subject. Please leave any thoughts about this topic, or anything really below!

It's 7am here now and I've been at this all night, so I'm going to flop onto my bed, put on some youtube and pass out. Love y'all~




Loooooove it ^^


This is super great


Love it, I’m gonna have to get used to their new names.

Ross Kirkland

nice this looks fun also the somwhat lame "I know somthing going in your mouth" comment was great. it shows she is nervus and not nesaseraly at here best, also cute.

Robert McGann

Looks good. There are so many times when things just get silly within BDSM contexts so it's not all thud and blunder.




Love it. Great art, and wonderful redesigns. Glad to have you back love.


Personally, I kinda liked the sex magic. Maybe just a touch more light sprinkling of it rather than driving plot element at times. Go with what makes you happy though.


Oh wow, Maaya must really love her coffee then, if she drinks so much of it; along with not accepting decaf, despite Gina's very obvious concerns about just how many cups her mistress had in such a short timeframe (with it also not being clear just how strong the brew actually is here), with Maaya also promising some kind of kinky punishment if Gina tries to cut her off entirely or attempts to replace this with another cup of decaf... Wonder if it's just because Maaya just likes her coffee (which is why she enjoys playing with Lora so much, given how the pair might have first crossed paths in this setting), or if they doesn't like to actually sleep for some reason, using coffee to help stay awake? Although, a part of me wonders if trying to switch out that coffee for decaf was also a ploy by Gina to get punished by her mistress in some way without being too obvious in her actions, given the very visible blush and looking away from Maaya in the last panel. Of course, if Maaya is anything like Michelle used to be, she might not even realize how some people who have been around her for a fairly long time might actually feel about her with regards potential romance, unless it's spelt out in a clear and obvious manner! As for having magic elements in this comic, maybe just save the usage for some minor background details, while not having that much effect on the primary plotline... It might help to explain how all our main characters are able to wear full latex outfits (along with some other types of fetish gear and restraints) in various situations for so long without having any problems, or simply as a potential part of the comic's humor in each page? But whatever you decide to do with this will be fine by me. Hoping you'll enjoy yourself!


I would greatly enjoy including magic in this, though it does not need to be any particular plot point. Maybe just, it's part of the world and has been for so long that to the characters it's mundane? No big JRPG villains or anything, just magial fetishy/bondagey slice of life loveliness please. I love that aspect of things.


Yeah, this. Just casual stuff that’s used to make things more interesting.


While I'm greatly disappointed to see that the collar6 series is going to end just when it had reached a crescendo, I know that your mental health and well being are more important than our gratification. Just make sure that you fill this new world with tons of kinky bondage fun and I'm sure that everything will be fine. Keep up the good work.


I am excited to see where this goes.


Not particularly feeling the designs of these two characters yet... But I am glad that you're doing what is best for you. Really hoping that Alongside this comic, we see more L6 as well.

Wild Card

Good start to the new version. Edit: please NO magical elements, I feel that is what caused things down the wrong path in Collar 6. Keep it much lighter.


Glad to see this getting started! I think the question of magic comes down to what do you want to do with it? And do you need magic for that? Just having a light tone in a comic can give you a lot of leeway to fudge what's realistic without needing to invoke actual magic. Like most of the segment with the maids going from one kinky scenario to another could have been pretty much the same in a world without magic, with just some adjustments to the dialogue.