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Trying to get a read on what my audience here wants~
All comments welcome~!



I would absolutely vote for everything on the list if you were to let me. I'm here for absolutely any kind of art you want to make. You're a fantastic person and an excellent content creator. Everything you've made warms my kinky heart


I am all for whatever you want. I have loved every piece of art you have done, from the dialog strips to the fun kinky action ones. But if you are making me choose, i have followed Collar6 from the beginning, and i love it, so it gets my vote.


I like anything that gets your creative muse happy. I have loved Collar6 from the beginning but B seems to have a nice new feeling


Echoing the others we want you to make what makes you happy 😊 you are great and big hearted wonderfully creative person, so personally I can’t see what you make next! Hugs stay awesome!

Jason Wyatt

Most online comic artists switch things up from time to time to allow for new ideas to form. One shot comics or short story’s are good


Whatever you want to do dear.


Tough love time. Do what you want. Seriously. You built up your fan base because you poured your passion into your work and you made a story you wanted to tell. You had fun with it. That is what drew everyone here to you. Loving what you do and letting your work reflect it is the number one key to artistic success, especially on the internet. Stop caring about "what we want". Do what *you* want. It's great to engage your fan base, but you're not our slave, needing to be given orders by us. Let your pen follow your heart. So what if some people decide they don't like it and unsubscribe. Fuck em. You'll grow your audience more by being authentic and doing what makes you happy. As for C6, continue it, retcon it, avengers style multiverse time travel shenanigans it, it's all good. I'd much rather see your work than see you apologizing for it. And I will see it cause I'm still a patron no matter which direction you go


Personally, I also freaking lutely loved your one shot succubus, lamia, and monsters images. Kind of felt like there was an interesting world behind there But I am also on the do what you want to draw. If you need a change for a bit make the change. Sure C6 is what brought us to your desk, but we see how much of your heart and soul go into these. We'll be behind your choice.


I’m happy to support whatever you make. :)

Dave Marron

Focus on yourself.I’m in hospital recovering from a stroke. Take care of yourself, please.


Ohgod I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you recover soon and go easy on yourself in the future :(


Thank you sweetheart, I'll try not to let you (or anyone) down! Big hugs!


Awww, that's wonderful to hear! I'm really glad my lil strips can inspire happiness! And thank you so much for the compliment and kindness! <3


Thank you darling! C6 seems to be the prevailing favorite so far but I'm glad to know you'll be on board for wherever the muses take me~


Hehe, all fair points. I'll do my best to push the narrative back into the territory I want it to be in without compromising all that's lead up to this point. Going to take some serious brainstorming on my part, which means some time in a park alone with my thoughts. And thank you for the reassurance. Sometimes I feel like I have to walk on eggshells not to upset my readers, but you're absolutely correct. My audience wants authenticity and I should be delivering on that, not trying to guess what's expected of me. Thank you for the tough love~


Thank you so much! I hope I don't disappoint going forward. I have some ideas about how to fix this, but I won't know how it'll pan out until it's done, so fingers crossed~

Pete Spicer

We came for C6, we stayed for everything including C6, because it’s the storytelling, the characters, the art, the vibe, the… I don’t know, the *everything* you bring to the party. Go with what feels right, it’ll work out in the end.


Echoing the statement of doing what you want. I'm came for C6, but I'm staying for whatever worlds you create with that wonderful imagination of yours.


I voted for CollarB, purely because I'm liking the lighter tone atm, but honestly you could start drawing your own "Two gamers on a couch" comic and I'd stay, because you'd make it fun, and hilarious, and probably kinky somehow ;) So just know that whatever you decide to focus your tremendous skill and talent on, I'll still be here supporting you and enjoying your wonderful art and comics!

Juy Juka

Hallo, my vote for C6 was under the assumption, that focus means that you would do more of that thing, but not only that thing. I love your one-off funny or kinky strips too. Please continue to draw and post this nice pictures for us. :-) Greetings Juy Juka

Wild Card

I voted for Collor 6 so this current story can be finished and the series then put away.


Collar 6 story is at it’s peak right now. It would but suck to pause it and work on other story. But I love all ur work so its up to u 😜


I voted for Collar6 as the thing I'm most interested in right now. But that's comparing a long running comic that's in the middle of an intense story arc to a pair of comics that are just getting started. I'm also looking forward to seeing more of L6 and CollarB. I could easily see them becoming the main comics in time, and that would be fine with me. I'm here to see you draw cute girls doing kinky stuff. As long as you're making content in the general theme, I'll be happy. Anything from a realistic slice-of-life about D/s relationships to latex superheroines fighting tentacle monsters. It's all good.


I saw how many votes that C6 has and well, I know its gonna continue. So also liking CB and Really wanting to see where its going I had to vote for it x3