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Once again I underestimated how difficult a strip would be to draw. Oi. Sorry it took so long from the last one, I expected this to go a lot smoother. Well, onto the next one! Next update will be another C6 page and after that update, a page of whatever the current poll settles on! Right now it's looking like either Laura6 (the new strip with the purple haired Sixx) or another page of Rubber Magical Maiden Julia. As it's looking really close right now, I'm planning to do both~

I'm also toying with the idea of a spiritual successor to Owned, my old comedy femdom thingie at some point since there seems to be interest in that. I wish I could work on ideas half as fast as I have them, I swear.

Anyways, I'll see y'all with a new C6 update in 5-7 days depending on how hard of a time I have drawing it! Be safe everyone and thank you for the continued support!




Eyes flicking to pink and her hair losing its orange, fading back to black. Looks like Trina is done for


Oh gods who will save them.... Love you!


Uh-oh, things aren’t looking good for Trina... hopefully she’ll either get a second wind from Laura’s power, or Ginger will have a change of heart... Love the colors in the whole strip and the posing of the final panel. Plus, the “SCHLIP” overriding Trina’s dialogue is a nice touch. Great job!


Saw the fading orange and I’m worried more than ever now


Every time I see purple now all I can think of is "It was Agatha all along!"


Well, that's not good: looks like poor Trina is starting to fall back under Blackstone's influence, with her hair fading back to its natural black again, while her eyes are showing the pink which indicates a person has been placed under Blackstone's mental control and she is making some alterations... Just how exactly are our heroes going to get out of this mess though? They might have to rely on some of the other people that Trina had freed from Blackstone's mind control earlier on (or waiting for Nora's group to arrive), which might be a serious challenge for these people; since Laura won't be able to provide these with some extra support, due to them not having a special bond with her. Should be very interesting to see what exactly happens next, so keep up the awesome work there!


Oh boy