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This was supposed to be up this past weekend but uh, my brain and irl didn't agree. Sorry for the overly long delay for a strip that isn't even the mainline story, this was just supposed to be a fun gap filler. Sorry everyone, hopefully I won't go a full week without an update again, it wasn't my intention.

This is another little spin-off idea that popped into my head after people said they originally read C6 for the Sixx/Laura dynamic. I thought it'd be neat to callback to the old Crimson Latex comic I used to do and give Sixx and Laura their corresponding hair colours from that old series. Naturally, since this is another spin-off universe, things are a touch different. For example here, Sixx this time is Maaya, of Japanese decent rather than Irish. I hope y'all enjoy this!

The next two updates will be mainline Collar6, followed by a strip y'all will be choosing from a poll I'm going to open in a lil bit and run for a bit~

Thank you for your patience and support everyone, I'll be back with a new C6 shortly, until then everyone stay as safe as you can!

Oh, and I've got a new twitter for anyone who uses that. I'm @FiFiBun
And anyone who uses Discord can come hang out here:




Lovely <3


I love it. More please


At the pace which is kindest to your physical, mental, and emotional health, of course


Love it! Really really love it :) And don't worry about taking longer than planned between updates, life happens and we understand!!


I'd choose that over dancing any weekend. Loved the colors and the humor.


It’s interesting how different the characters look with just a change of colour.

Ross Kirkland

This is brilliant! I love c6 but this is a nice change of pace.


Wow, both of the girls certainly look very different here, with Maaya (Michelle) having Japanese heritage here instead of the Irish (and dark purple hair, a shade which really puts me in mind of Blackstone to a certain extent) and Laura going with very pink hair, which does make sense, given her C6 version loves the color so much! It certainly is a fun callback to Crimson Latex (something I remember reading when it first came out)... Of course, the chat between Laura and her co-worker (Laura having to turn down their offer to go out dancing that weekend with all the other people they work with, thanks to Laura having already made some plans with Maaya during that same timeframe for some kinky playtime) does make me wonder; will this co-worker end up trying to figure out just what Laura has actually been getting up to in her time off and end up playing a more important role in this timeline (maybe as someone Laura has to explain stuff to)? Another interesting thing that I have noticed here is that this setting does seem to be a lot more realistic, when compared to canon C6, at least from this initial impression of the situation; we may have some items we've not seen yet which might yet surprise us. Going to be pretty very interesting to see just where exactly this storyline may end up going from here, potentially with Laura and Maaya getting ready for some major event! As for the delay for these comics, there's no need to worry about that, okay... We know and understand stuff doesn't always go as we'd planned it, so don't let yourself get too stressed out, alright? Just take things one day at a time and we'll enjoy the end results.

Stefan J Neylon

I guess I haven't been around long enough to know Crimson Latex.


https://www.utopiastories.com/code/show_album.asp/cID/10000 Amazingly enough, they kept it up all these years!

Spencer Bunn

love this, keep them


Those teal eyes, yum