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Hope you're all enjoying where this is headed! I ALMOST did another Nora strip before getting to this, but decided this was the best choice narratively. Christmas is coming up this week and I aim to have the Christmas piccie up ON Christmas, so the next strip might be a day or two late, but they're both coming~

I hope you're all doing well (as well as you can be after this dumpster fire of a year) out there. As always, y'all stay safe! I look forward to reading your comments (always!)~ Love y'all~!




can not wait to see what has happened to Mistress Six also can we get a spin off where they arent saved from Madame Blackstone


Amazing artwork Princess....


Oh boy, this whole situation is going to be very interesting indeed, with the events now jumping straight back into the action at Blackstone's castle; focusing on Trina, instead of sticking with Nora's attempts to gather some potential backup from the Venus City Nine, in order to assault Blackstone's home! It seems to me like it may be Trina and Ginger who will be facing off against each other (with poor Ginger still being fully affected by the mental control that Blackstone has placed her under, clearly thinking of herself as Stable Sister Aventurine), while Trina might not remember just how close she was to Ginger (along with her bond with Laura, all thanks to parts of Blackstone's mental alterations still affecting Trina's mind), being totally focused on rescuing Michelle and ignoring anything else which might not help her achieve that goal... But I'm thinking that Ginger has been given some new tricks and special techniques by Blackstone (given that Blackstone did seem to be kind of interested in figuring out just what Ginger had done to herself, namely just how she'd forced herself to develop a slightly more dominant streak than normal; after the very first spank-off with Evita, back when we had thought she would be the main bad guy), her new skills potentially making it far harder for Trina to gain the upper hand over her? It might even be the case that Laura might have to try and open up both of her mental links to Trina and Ginger (which might be kind of difficult, given that the link with Ginger currently seems to have been deactivated by Blackstone's efforts, it providing her with some information on how to corrupt Michelle and turn her into Red Knight; so Laura might have to either help Trina restrain Ginger long enough to restore their link once more, or work out some way to do so during an intense combat), trying to get both of them to stop fighting with each other and listen to her; so that they can focus on dealing with Blackstone, given that she is the weak point of the mental control which she set up. One thing which is interesting to note about Trina's current personality (which might be a downside of the dominant mana that's running through her body, or a sign of her developing a case of tunnel vision, when attempting to rescue Michelle) is how she's very quick to threaten people working for Blackstone! That poor maid seemed pretty scared too, since they quickly gave her the information that Trina was looking for, namely where Blackstone could be found... But would Trina have actually hurt that person though, if they hadn't been willing to co-operate with her? It's hard to tell really, but I would certainly be curious to see how they'd train up this new skill, once everything is sorted out.


Oh god i can't wait for the next... You are amazing! Happy yule from Denmark


dun dun dun!


Will you ever try to do a compilation PDF/ printed comic?