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HELLO.  I made this thing and I'm not sure when I'm putting it up so I thought why not post it here, to you good people.  I say good people but maybe one or more of you is a murderer.  I don't condone that.  THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!



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Totally agree! Civil War was a far better film. Thanks for the content dude!


Civil war totally knocked it out of the park.


that cartoon finger pointing right at me was very unsettling. You've pushed the boundary


No Edwards. YOU are a far better film! Wait, how does this work again?


Civil War is definitely a better film. I liked BvS a lot, but Civil War was so much better. I felt things and had emotional responses to the events in Civil War. Not just a vague sense of "Huh, that was cool", like I did with BvS.


Does this video go into spoilers for Civil War?


Civil War is objectively the better movie. Both were designed by committee, the difference is that Warner had 1 movie to iron out the kinks, and Marvel have had 11(ish) to nail it down. I know the Marvel characters, and when they fight, it means something. In BVS;DOJ, everything felt simultaneously rushed and somehow slow. The pacing was terrible. I say all this as a massive Batman fanboy, with a tattoo of the Joker. I will always prefer the DC comics, but the current films just can't compare at the moment.

Michael Choueiri

I like them both. I enjoy them for different reasons but overall I think they are both good. I think they both raise interesting questions and are both entertaining. Why does one have to be better then the other


Civil War isn't out here in the States but I'm super hyped for it. I can't wait to see it this weekend. However, I've seen BvS five times in the theater and I loved it every time. I understand some of people's issues with it but what I don't get is when people whine about it not being "fun." Like they expect Batman and Superman to just quip back and forth like it's a Whedon film. I like both Marvel and DC but they have decidedly different tones and I think that if that's your issue with the film, that can't be on Zack Snyder. Just like the response to Man Of Steel (one of my favorite CBMs of all time) it just boils down to taste. BvS was operatic and grandiose, which is exactly how I want to see those characters.


This is a no brainer.


Brilliant video dude, perfectly worded your reasoning and all that dumb shit


Maybe I am the marvel fanboy... Maybe you're the DC fanboy for liking civil war so much? Maybe we are all civil bat vs war man?!


civil war was so good. DC should be embarrassed of the crap they produce