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I hope you all like commentary tracks, because this is one.  If you don't just know that you've broken my heart.  Thanks for the support though, much appreciated!



Fantastic! Am a big fan of Ultron and think it needs more love. Cheers sir.


Great! mp3 > youtube link


Thanks guys, Keep up the good work!


Much appreciated Dickheads.


The "Peace in our time" line is actually said by Stark first and, at least in my opinion is meant to parallel the precieved foolishness of Neville Chamberlin who said it after he met with Hitler and signed the Munich Agreement. Many see this as a foolish move on behalf of the allied forces as they simply allowed Nazi Germany to annex Czechoslovakia which only made it easier for the Nazis to conquer mainland Europe, but was done in part because of the reason you mentioned (building up the allied armies) but also because, in reality no nation, save for Nazi Germany was prepared socially or economically for another global conflict. In this way you can see how Tony attempting to construct an Ultron AI defence system for the purpose of maintaining global peace and then having those very actions result in a global conflict parallel's the allies' attempts of appeasing Hitler. While contemporary historians have debated on the actual validity of appeasement in 1938, traditionally it has been viewed as foolish and it appears that whoever put that line in the script (Whedon or whatever) was adopting this traditional view. Anyways sorry for the little rant. I finished uni a couple of weeks ago and have been bored out of my skull and decided to nerd out a bit.


I don't see the link. The email link doesn't work either


You guys make average movies good, and good movies great! Never stop, comment all the movies!