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The tides of war are turning! But is this new entity friend or foe?! WHO KNOWS! SHOULD BE PRETTY FUCKIN' OBVIOUS THOUGH! If ya don't like the bit with the kids, well, it'll be coming to an end real soon with a quick ass kicking.

How was y'alls memorial day weekend for those who observe! Mine was pretty lackluster! Biggest thing was going to see my niece's dance recital on Saturday. They were cute, but the issue was it went on for over two hours and only like 4 of the numbers had my nieces in it. I COOOOULD not care less about anyone else's kids. My oldest niece had one number after the intermission. Once it was done we bailed. Started at 6pm and we were in there until like 8:15 and it was STILL going! It was fun seeing everybody.

Sunday and Monday were a wash. Got hit with a bout of depression that knocked me out of commission all of Monday until late at night when I gathered enough strength to do some storyboard work. It suuuuuuuucked. It was the first time in a while I felt as crappy as I did. Didn't help that I slept for 12 hours prior.

I'm doing better right now, though. I think part of my problem was that outside of Saturday evening, I did pretty much nothing the whole weekend, so come Monday when I needed to get work done I had practically wasted it by sleeping in and laying in bed.

Another highlight of the weekend was finding the old Fox release of My Neighbor Totoro on DVD for $30. Immediately snatched it. I've been keeping an eye out for it while browsing used media stores for over a decade after I missed my chance of picking up a VHS copy for $5 around 2012ish. But now I got it! And I ripped it to my PC! And I was gonna splice the audio to the bluray copy I have but turned out someone already did it and it's available right now on archive.org!




I really like how you have been using the panels to enhance the flow of the story. The last panel you did on the previous post was really creative. It really has improved the comic. Do you have any advice on how to do these types of panels?


I've just been looking at other manga. The snow going across the page was Cooper's idea, though it took some reworking on my part to get it to fit.