Well Endowed Princess Peach Showtime (Patreon)
What a few last weeks its been!
Been working hard at finishing this project and im so SO VERY CLOSE now!
So now that all the outfits has been finished and revealed i decided to whip together this little wallpaper showing them all, This is a quick and dirty way to make the outfits shown and before the full release i will remake this using ingame renders of 8k instead of simply 1440p so the detail is better and release it as a wallpaper for all patrons who wants it.
With the lovely artwork by SMALF as the centerpiece to this wallpaper and what will be the promo image when i publish the mod too!
Size variations
I have mentioned in the past on the discord atleast a few times that instead of letting people choose variations of the outfits i instead aim to let people pick boob sizes just like how i did it with the Bloodstained mod.
So the variations that will exist are these 4 as of standing
Mega Busty (Default Size)
Giga Busty
Peta Busty
Not quite sure why the light gets so bright in some cutscenes.
Release should be in the next 1-2 weeks tops!
I still have quite a few bug fixing left to do as with a project this big its prone to end up with models that needs their weighting and such tweaked to work.
But im confident it should be done in a short timespan now! :D
Looking forward to seeing what version you guys will enjoy the most!