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..just be sure to enable cc for English subs!

Well this promises to be rather intense and melodramatic?

Show's synopsis on MDL reads:

"Lin Shuang, once a brilliant student at a top-tier university, ended up being a full-time mom. But she was betrayed and had to return to the workforce to fight for custody of her child. In her disheveled state, she met Gu Xu, her ex-classmate and now a talent from overseas. She confronted the challenges with Jiang Xi and Gu Xu, transforming into a professional from a homemaker, and fell in love with Gu Xu. Lin Shuang and Jiang Xi experienced personal growth, ushering in a new life of their own."

Zhang Xiao Fei, Huang Xiao Ming, Li Ze Feng and Jenny Zhang star.

Show is 36 eps, and is due to complete its run on 5 Oct, on Tencent Video and WeTV.

KFG ❤️


预告: 生而悦己结伴而行,9月19日爽励开播!【好事成双 Alliance】

▶Download "WeTV / Tencent Video (for The US)" APP to watch more episodes https://wetv.vip/ ▶加入会员 Join Membership Now http://bit.ly/JoinTencentVideo ▶Join Facebook group to chat about WeTV dramas: 🔹Global Fans Group: https://bit.ly/wetvglobalfans 🔸Non-public Group [Only for "Tencent Video" YouTube Membership& WeTV/Tencent Video(for the US) VIP] https://bit.ly/wetvvipgroup 《好事成双》曾是一流大学高材生的林双,婚后迅速怀孕成了全职妈妈,但为家庭全身心付出的她遭遇背叛。离婚在即,为了争夺女儿的抚养权,林双不得不重返职场。狼狈的她在职场偶遇了昔日同学、如今的归国人才顾许。时隔多年,顾许没想到还会与林双产生交集,得知她竟因婚姻荒废了苦学多年的专业,怒其不争。面对婚姻、职场、亲情的种种考验,林双在好友江喜的支持下迎难而上,而背地里施以援手的顾许,也忍不住对林双动心。林双用实际行动完成了从家庭主妇到职场人的转变,也收获了和顾许的美好爱情。林双和江喜在职场交锋和情感碰撞中各自成长,学以致用,努力向上,迎来属于自己的新生活。 ☞主演:张小斐、黄晓明、张嘉倪、李泽锋、赵昕 【Synopsis】Lin Shuang, once a brilliant student at a top-tier university, ended up being a full-time mom. But she was betrayed and had to return to the workforce to fight for custody of her child. In her disheveled state, she met Gu Xu, her ex-classmate and now a talent from overseas. She confronted the challenges with Jiang Xi and Gu Xu, transforming into a professional from a homemaker, and fell in love with Gu Xu. Lin Shuang and Jiang Xi experienced personal growth, ushering in a new life of their own. 【Starring】Zhang Xiaofei, Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jiani, Li Zefeng, Zhao Xin ❗Block everywhere except below territories: Brunei; Cambodia; Hong Kong, China; Laos; Macao, China; Myanmar (Burma); Singapore ▶Follow WeTV on: Facebook: https://bit.ly/fbwetv Instagram: https://bit.ly/inswetv Twitter: https://bit.ly/twitterwetv ▶Find the best WeTV merch on WeTV Store https://wetvstore.com/ 00:00 Download "WeTV/Tencent Video (for The US)" APP Watch More Episodes 01:00 Join Membership Watch Full in Advance ⚡️观看精彩剧集⚡️ ♥ 热播新剧♥ 《九义人》https://bit.ly/48bXazi 《西出玉门》https://bit.ly/3EvrM17 《前夜》https://bit.ly/3PfbcZn 《父辈的荣耀》https://bit.ly/3OSRFMW 《灼灼风流》https://bit.ly/47wTyHO 《鹊刀门传奇》https://bit.ly/3seZRjf 《二十五小时恋爱》https://bit.ly/3OycME8 《长相思 第一季》https://bit.ly/44J901S ♥ 爱情甜宠♥ 《爱的二八定律》http://bit.ly/3O28uEq 《余生,请多指教(DVD Ver.)》https://bit.ly/3w4jJVT 《只是结婚的关系》https://bit.ly/3oTfBEu 《你是我的荣耀》https://bit.ly/3Bo01EI 《我的小确幸》http://bit.ly/3olfqyG 《我,喜欢你》https://bit.ly/33rJEXG ♥ 古装仙侠♥ 《梦华录》https://bit.ly/3z3PsYV 《斛珠夫人》https://bit.ly/3bUbb8Z 《燕云台》https://bit.ly/3oUieDF 《传闻中的陈芊芊》https://bit.ly/36dqmWY ♥ 经典N刷♥ 《三体》https://bit.ly/3iFl15o 《外星女生柴小七》http://bit.ly/33MLRwh 《致我们暖暖的小时光》https://bit.ly/3jbKWhM 《三生三世枕上书》http://bit.ly/3amlwZb 《陈情令》http://bit.ly/2xr53kg ♥ 微短剧合集♥https://bit.ly/3MvSCK6 🚀更多火爆综艺🚀 《令人心动的offer S4》http://bit.ly/3XCMLqX 《脱口秀大会S5》https://bit.ly/3eccAvI ✨观看更多精彩动漫✨ 《斗罗大陆Ⅱ绝世唐门》https://bit.ly/448qbZU 《斗罗大陆》https://bit.ly/3780Y7x 《魔道祖师完结篇》https://bit.ly/3AsrTWX 《全职高手S2》https://bit.ly/3lL9sFW 🔒马上订阅更多官方频道🔒 ☞ 腾讯视频: http://bit.ly/wetvnew ☞ 腾讯视频动漫:http://bit.ly/wetvanime ☞ 腾讯视频热播综艺: https://bit.ly/wetvshow ☞ 腾讯视频华语经典剧场: https://bit.ly/wetvdrama ☞ 腾讯视频青春剧场:https://bit.ly/wetvromance ☞ 腾讯视频古装剧场:https://bit.ly/wetvcostume ☞ 腾讯视频悬疑剧场:https://bit.ly/wetvsuspense ☞ 腾讯视频OST精选:https://bit.ly/wetvost ☞ 腾讯视频精选微剧:https://bit.ly/wetvminidrama ☞ 腾讯视频脱口秀大会:https://bit.ly/wetvshow2 ☞ 腾讯视频纪录片:https://bit.ly/wetvdocu ☞ 腾讯视频明星剧场:https://bit.ly/wetvartist ☞ 企鹅大影院: https://bit.ly/wetvmovie ☞ WeTV 台灣: http://bit.ly/wetvtw ☞ WeTV Thailand: http://bit.ly/wetvthaisub ☞ WeTV Indonesia: http://bit.ly/wetvinsub ☞ WeTV Vietnam: http://bit.ly/wetvvisub ☞ WeTV English: http://bit.ly/wetveng ☞ WeTV Arabic: http://bit.ly/wetvarab ☞ WeTV Spanish: http://bit.ly/wetvesp ☞ WeTV Korea: http://bit.ly/wetvkr ☞ WeTV Turkish: https://bit.ly/wetvtur ☞ WeTV Portuguese: https://bit.ly/wetvpt-br ☞ WeTV Malaysia: https://bit.ly/wetvmas ☞ WeTV Dunia Drama:https://bit.ly/wetvinsub2 ☞ WeTV ซีรีย์สุดปัง:https://bit.ly/wetvthai2 ☞ WeTV Portuguese Animation:https://bit.ly/wetvptanime #好事成双 #Alliance #腾讯视频



This is a good show, quite mature and very clever and very different.