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If you're in the mood for some comedic family drama, this could be for you?

Show's synopsis on MDL reads:

"Du Ru Yu has a been a widowed single mother for the past 18 years, raising four daughters with very different personalities. This is a warm story of family full of laughter and tears."

Liu Lin, Jackie Li, Wu Jia Yi, Han Yun Yun, Li Jia Qi and Ren Hao star.

Show is 24 eps, and is due to complete its run on 12 Oct, on Tencent Video and WeTV.

KFG ❤️


定档预告:鹊传喜报,9月22日准时开播!【兰闺喜事 Hilarious Family】

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I love Liu Lin and want to watch this. It is listed as Hilarious Family over at MDL (you have to love how CDramas love to change their names). I am going to check it out soley for her.