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Hi everyone, 

This is just a quick note to let you know that it's very likely that someone (bots, probably) is trying to hack into the main site. The reason I know this, is because the site stats have been spiking today in a big way, and only on the homepage, rather than a particular post, which is a strong clue that it's likely a cyber attack. 

Here's a peek into my dashboard. See how the stats for today have spiked? And then see how it's only the homepage that's getting all the hits? That's definitely not normal. 😬

Thankfully, I do have some security protection in place, and have also just put more measures in place, so hopefully the attack will stop soon.

I just thought I'd let you guys know, because aside from sudden traffic spikes on the homepage, site slowdowns can also be a sign of a cyber attack. Shahz did reach out to me this morning, to let me know that the site was unusually slow for her, when loading the Hello, Me review. 

At the time, I'd just assumed it was server cache issues again, because I hadn't clued in to the attempted attack yet, so I cleared the server caches, which seemed to alleviate the problem. However, now I'm thinking that it's likely that it had to do with the attempted cyber attack.

If you do notice the site slowing down significantly, could you please let me know?

Thank you so much!

KFG ❤️

Update (Friday, 22 Oct):

The blog stats have finally leveled out to normal levels, so it looks like the bots have given up and moved on - YAY! And, phew! 😅

Thanks for all your moral support, everyone. I truly feel the love. 🥰

KFG ❤️

PS: If you do notice the site behaving weirdly, or slowing down massively, please do let me know! 😅



@KFG - So glad this has passed for you :-)


Glad it is sorted KFG