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Hey FreshMen,

I'm curious to know which of the following options sounds more interest as a background for the Main Character (MC) in a fantasy game.


Michael Hawk

You can mix and match. The top 4 non-contradictory choices as of this post are: MC is a poor, orphan underdog who works as a bounty hunter as he studies his way through magic school where he participates in a hidden society with mysterious goals. If MC was also known in the city for entertaining people with his singing he would be similar to Kvothe from Kingkiller Chronicles.


Or how about a young orphan or supposed young orphan without a past only to find out he was the lost Heir to a kingdom that he was kidnapped from when he was a baby and left at an orphanage in another kingdom far from his family.

Michael Hawk

Now we have a poor orphan, raised to be a sorcerer by his Merlin-syle tutor, receives an inheritance so he can enjoy life without worrying about finances. He also participates in a hidden society with mysterious goals.