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Soon we’re going to recruit an animator, and we’ll be capable of adding animations to episode 1, making it even better.

We can use the animator’s energy in 3 ways. Choose your option.


Leondrick Guerra

I kinda don't know with this one. I'd like to see an even quality throughout my playthrough but at the same time is it worth it to update what's already out there?


I'd honestly like to have Ep 1 and Ep 2 animated. Ep 1 not so much as it was an introduction episode, but definitely Ep 2, and I think a number of people might be on the same boat. It looks like Ep 2 will feature my favorite girl (Sue) and the most popular in Julia. I think many people would like to see the animations for both girls if that is entirely possible. Ep 1 honestly isn't that big of a priority to animate, but I'd love to have Ep 2 animated if it isn't.

Darth Mord

I would lean toward animating the rest of the releases first. Then when time permits, animate episode 1. That's why I chose the middle ground of 50/50 split. In other words, new stuff over old but revisit the old to add the new toys when time permits.


Agreed, but I am hoping animations kick in on ep 2.

Sol The Destroyer

Prioritise future episodes then once all done- go back and add them to the first ones at the end - i.e. between v0.99 and 1.0.


I would say prioritize on the future and go back and add more to older versions as you go ^^


I see it this way: do you guys have time to spare AFTER episode two is done? then sure, go for it. No time left and episode two is done and a masterpiece? then why bother? you guys are putting out some quality product with such a small team, and I don't think you guys should stress about the past entries.

Zojitzu Miri

From a production standpoint, it's probably a better idea to work independently. Working on past scenes to update those with animation will allow the animator to focus on the animation without the stress of the other team catching up to them or depending on the animations for the release. It'll keep from having delays of your releases and the pressure will be off the animator. From a gamer's standpoint, we'd actually have another reason to replay the game. This is the advice from a 3D character animator as well as someone that is currently building a game on a team of 7.


I’m sure there will be future Customers. Spending a bit of time animating ep1 will give a good first impression. I vote 50/50.