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Hey Guys,

Episode 2 is almost done. We only need 51 more renders from Daisuke3D, and to select one of the candidates for movie editor. One guy is learning fast and putting a lot of effort. I think we are going in the right direction.

Tsundere-Writer also sent me the outline of episode 3, that he'll start writing soon. It seems that Ep3 will focus on Chloe. 

As soon as the role of movie editor is filled, I'm going to make a post to recruit the much required animator. So far, I have a guy that is very interested, and he's animating a few kiss scenes as a test. 

I kind of like meeting new people and talking about FreshWomen. They bring new insights to the way we're developing the game, and in the long run, it's a good way to make things faster and better.

I'm also studying software engineering, which is about best practices to develop software as a team, making sure we deliver great quality content on time and on budget.

Making this game is a great journey, and I'm happy to have you with us!






That was a fair amount to take in can't wait to see the new work that's to come and Yay for ep 3 being my 2nd fav girl \0/

random noise

Cheers!! Happy to be here!!