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Hey Guys!

Susan is our least liked character, and I wonder if it’s possible to improve her over the next episodes.

Select as many options that you’d change about Susan to make her more desirable. Include more details in the comments section if you want.



Honestly right now there isn't a lot of information to go on with Susan other than the fact she was "all business", but that is about it based on our limited interaction with her. She definitely seems very interesting and very kinky with the free-roam experience. At the moment I like her as she is, as she adds a different type of milf in the game, Lily being a neglected wife that is lonely and needs the company, and Susan can be the dominant milf that would tie you up and have her way with you. And in my own opinion, she does have the best lips between all characters, so I'd love to have that preserved if you wanna change anything.

Monosodium glutamate

I honestly don't think I'd want to change anything yet, it seems pretty clear there's more going on with her than we've seen, so as someone who has a (presumably) dark secret of some kind that she's hiding, I actually think this rather closed off and cold personality fits her perfectly. The same goes for her design, in fact I could argue that you could even get away with having her dress a bit more conservatively (for lack of a better word) and it would still fit her personality quite well, although given the nature of this game, I imagine I might be in the minority when it comes to suggesting a character could actually work with wearing less revealing clothing.

Portgas D. Luigi

I don't think least liked necessarily means bad. We just need more Susan time. I wouldn't change a thing about her as it could be a very different relationship from the other girls.


I disagree with a more conservative outfit. In my own opinion at least, the fact that we know she is kinky with the closet full of sexy toys, and her very cold attitude, it fits that she would wear very revealing clothing since she has a sexual appetite, and the cold attitude complements her not really giving a fuck that her clothes are very revealing.


Yeah I agree id say we just need more time to get to know her


I mean I’d say she has cold personality so does Sue in a more sharper way but i think we just need more info cause if we’re going off of first impression the majority of people might agree but again we haven’t spent enough time with them I mean my least fav is Chloe and I think the majority of people like her and actually I’ve been more interested in sue as a possible fav cause if I like her and you become close to someone cold like that they’ll usually become a different person the more you get to know them and that they are giving they’re trust to you for letting they’re barriers down for you


Little sidetracked but in any case I know we’re gonna see more of them in episode 2 and have a little more info for them so I’m excited for that


My favorite so far is definitely Sue. I don't think she is necessarily cold, just isn't the "girly nice" like Alyssa, which is my 2nd favorite. I definitely do see her being a softie once you get to know her, as she did reveal some background information about herself, and showed her appreciation for wanting to help her out with Susan. I really hope she has a softer side inside of her.


I mean if I really had to change something about sue it’s probs the kink since I’m not into BDSM or anything too hardcore but that’s me I’ll still be happy with it I’d hope to see a softer side to her too I guess cold is a little harsh it’s def more business with Susan


As far as what I have seen in the previews, I don't see there is any liking to BDSM, just that she likes to be in control, which I think does fit her, but yeah definitely her being submissive too is nice.


I mean I don’t mind if she’s submissive I actually like women in control and whole are more dominant For me I don’t want to be in the ropes or even being the one doing the bdsm


Not really mutilation either just more of she does the Amazon position kind of control I’ll be happy or more dominant positions like that give her the control over the guys member

Mac Poleon

I agree with other commenters here that it's too early tell if it would be worthwhile to change anything about Susan's personality. The audience liking a character isn't required for that character to be effective in performing their role for the story, and we don't know what that role is yet for Susan. If you really want to change something about her appearance, it's not necessary as she looks good as she is, but you might adjust her hair a bit. Given her interests, you might want to go with something more straight and severe. It would also help differentiate her from some of the other characters. Currently, her hair looks fairly similar to Julia's with a hint of Alyssa's. Thanks for all your work on this project. I really enjoy the frequent posts.

random noise

I don't think there's anything that needs to change about her, i like her character and as it was said before she brings a different kind of flavor to the mix which makes her interesting, i would also like her to play out as the dominating milf. The only reason she was where she was in the poll was mainly because our interactions with her where not very social oriented and we didn't do anything sexy, and that it's fine, from what I have seen s lot of people chose her not because they disliked her but just to pick someone. If you were to put a gun in my head and ask to choose something i (being an ass man) would say that a bigger butt wouldn't hurt at all

Darth Mord

I would dial down Susan's overt hostility. She's coming across very angry & hostile. This becomes especially important if she's not supposed to be that. A more casual, dismissive, or disinterested tone would work better for her IMO.


just give her a bit more screentime. people will start to like her more if she gets some more storytime

Tor Cha

Great Milf IF she was a Bit Younger the MC might Like her More and be More Willing to Play with her!


Agreed. the game is too short and we spend too little time with all the girls. My guess is we haven't connected with her because most of us players are younger adults? I have the same feeling with most of the girls because I only spent time with Sue and Lily. I would say no change and more time.


Susan's hot, but she's a dick.

Billius Bilarbre

Make her a little more extreme. If she's eventually a bad guy, make her more sinister. I understand if English isn't your first language, if I was a better writer I'd offer my services.