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Added a character named Annal to the Riumno, she's one of the three that are actually there, but now she actually can appear. Added her to start a quest, (and working on the quest requirements type thing for conversations, questions and conditional checks)

Also added the yurt village of Greidale, it's South West of Riumno and has only a single item spawning there, the idea is for Annal to request it for testing purposes, run down there, and when back she will have a different conversation line if she notices the item in your inventory.

Mostly this month we've been working on the builder code, character template creation for conversations and character adding.

The biggest thing left is to add character art setting up for the entire conversation flow... Hope to get to that soon.




Is a specific browser needed or will any one do? and if so, how do we change the setting? I seem to be having a problem with all the downloads so far.


Basically if the swf is run in the browser directly it will not work because 3d is not enabled. Either run the swf through the desktop app version of swf (flash projector) or the zip has an html which can be opened in the browser and it should load the swf inside of it with 3d enabled. Because of so many problems I will be releasing an exe version too.. it is like 50mb larger though :(


alright, thanks!