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"The easiest way to get what you want is to help somebody get what they want."

You know, I heard that quote a long time ago and I think of it as I work on my art and animation. I'm making art not just for me but for YOU! I love sharing and your support has helped me achieve amazing things! Nearly nine hours of transformation movies and over 10,000 pages of comic transformation  art.

But the REAL crown jewel is you! That's right, you are the most important part of the equation and thank you so much for your support!

What you have in your possession is a collection of ‘top’ picks from over twenty years of comics. My idea is to showcase ‘artistic highlights’ from my Growth Lab comic series. If you don’t know about the comics or haven’t looked lately – there are over 10,000 pages of comic material for people to read, most of it FREE on my main site.

To be clear, this PDF contains a WIDE variety of transformation subject matter. A lot of what you see here is ONLY in the comics and not present in things like my animations or one-off art pages. I would like to think I have improved over the years but you be the judge. My hope is to introduce or re-introduce friends and fans of transformation art to my work. Additionally, you can find high resolution versions of all these pages in my compiled comic PDFs!

I just grabbed cool looking pages, there really isn’t a rhyme or reason beyond that. The source comics I pulled from are at the bottom of each page.

YES, YOU CAN SHARE THIS VOLUME! Clearly, I am not authorizing reselling, reposting or altering the work. Just share this PDF with an (age and interest) appropriate crowd if you like. Maybe even toss in a good word for your pal Ready. Hey, any little bit helps!

Check out the content warning inside the comic to see what you can expect. If you like what you are seeing consider supporting me on Patreon or via my Gumroad! I appreciate ANY support, paid or not!

The comic is attached BUT you can get it on Gumroad too!

Thank you again!




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