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Hey all,

Your old pal Ready knows all about getting you the best deal for art and animation. Each and every day I say to myself... "SELF, how can I help out the people who are supporting me?"

My goal in creating this Patreon was to make a place that I myself would pay for with the kinds of rewards I would want. Basically, I don't do it if I would not buy it myself.

Well, I added a few new ways for friends and fans to enjoy my work and (hopefully) get a nice discount as well. 

Yearly Patreon Subscriptions are on and currently set at 10%

That means if you purchase a year all at once you get MORE than a month free. That's right, I said it! I checked out the way Patreon allows it and then I set it at 10% across the board. That's about as fair as it gets for those who want to toss down their ducats all at once. If you can't do that - TOTALLY FINE. I'm still here and you can always drop off and come back. The way the Patreon is set up you can grab all prior rewards.

The yearly subscription will stay 'on' but I currently do know know if I will keep it at 10%. It may get dialed back to 8% at some point (which is roughly one month free). Right now - it's at 10% and I will leave it there. 

It looks like you CAN upgrade any current membership to yearly without leaving and coming back. That said, I recommend checking out Patreon's own post about this if you have questions. 

Regarding those who might be in tough financial times

I hear yah. To say my art is a luxury item is probably overstating it. We all know you can get your 'thrilling' art for free on the internet. Plenty of my own work has been freely 'distributed' over the years too. I get it. That's the internet!

Still, I thank each of you who DO check out my work and DO put down your money to help make my art. It's not small thing and even if you can't pay yearly or can't stay on month after month - that is OK! I have a LOT of free art and the Patreon will keep chugging along.

An alternate to Patreon - Gumroad Membership ALSO open

OK. this is a bit of a new venture but I have also opened up my Gumroad store with monthly movie memberships for people who want an alternative to Patreon. It's sort of a soft opening at the moment and I am seeing how it can work best. 

I want to be clear the Gumroad Monthly movies have a few key differences from getting your movies here on Patreon.

  • Gumroad Membership (currently) ONLY offers the movies and nothing else
  • You get access to the latest monthly movie as well as all prior ones and that's all
  • So, there is no linking of Discord, no polls, no misc art uploads during the week. it's JUST the monthly movie release. 
  • The Gumroad store DOES offer the ability to purchase memberships in 3, 6 and 12 month blocks (at a 10% discount)
  • Gumroad Membership is here: https://readyart.gumroad.com/l/member

I also want to be clear this is setup as an alternate for people who JUST want to grab the movies and nothing else. Personally - AND THIS IS MY OPINION - the Animation Tier on Patreon is the best deal overall - you get access to more stuff directly including lifetime rewards and linking back to my main site.

A lot of this is due to how the two sites are setup and I am still workshopping my store on Gumroad. Things might change down the line but this is where we are now.

I'm doing my best for you and all I ask is you enjoy my work and IF YOU CAN - please consider supporting our community here! Paid or not, I appreciate you and your support!

Thank you all again!


PS. If you have any questions or comments, I'll do my best to answer them! THANK YOU!



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