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Poll (still running) here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/70096728

Okay, the poll is still running but there are clear favorites at this point. I won’t read too much into it but they seem to verify thoughts I was having about fun adds we can do to be monthly animation work.

FIRST and most importantly, this is a ME AND YOU thing. This isn’t me unilaterally changing things and disappearing into the smoke. My goal every single month is to give you more than your money’s worth and I have ideas about upping the quality of those previews and our final movie.

More elaborate animations

This is something I’m going to work on over the next few months. Like everything else, it’s going to get workshopped and I will be looking for feedback from you. The general take away is I will drill down on the production of the animations. There are a lot of moving parts in that statement. Sound effects, music, possible use of voice acting, and a lot more. Things like the post processing, methodology of creating the animations and general production work are also being checked and rechecked. When I started doing movies I made basic assumptions to get the work done each month. I’m taking all those assumptions and re-checking ALL OF THEM for validity.

Immediate action!!

What does all this mean to you? Good question. I’m going to test out making ‘mini’ preview movies with sound effects in them and releasing that during the course of the month as part of the ‘preview’ tier. I will be starting with the very next preview I’m uploading (ideally tomorrow). My intent is to give you samples of what I’m talking about. I’ve been leaning in this direction anyway and with the poll showed we had similar thoughts.

Right now there are 12 GIF previews released each month and a roughly 10 minute movie. Neither of those is going anywhere. The AMOUNT previews and the exact LENGTH of the animation movie will probably vary and most likely drop. Don’t panic because the overall effect will be work you will (likely) enjoy as much or more than what we have now. I’m giving you a heads up now so people in the various reward groups aren’t scratching their heads wondering what’s going on. I figure it’s a fair thing to do and also I want your feedback. As a reference for the MEGA old timers here, we used to release upwards of 24 previews each month and had a nearly 20 minute movie one month. Clearly with production going up something has to give barring me hiring more people. Let’s see what we can do together shall we?

Some possibly interesting behind the scenes stuff. Every month I do quite a bit of drawing, quite a bit of captioning, story writing, sound production and music production. Over the last two years I’ve worked to streamline and make that process as efficient as possible to give me as much time working on the stuff that counts. To me, stuff that counts the most is the animations and right behind that is sound production. Those are probably where I spend the most amount of time each month. I don’t know if you agree with that but it’s certainly what I would want if I was subscribing to this Patreon. Haha

So look for the new preview type coming to you. My plan is to release it before tomorrow night (it MIGHT slide into Monday but let’s see). It will be a step in the direction I’m talking about.

For the (GIF) Preview Tier

For all my GIF preview patrons thank you for subscribing to our preview category. I hope you’re excited about where this can go. You trust me to bring you the best I can and I’ve been doing that for over three years now. I’ve never missed a deadline and I do what I say I’m going to do. Still, there is always room for improvement and I know sometimes change can seem like a downgrade or something you may not want. You may want things remain the same. I completely understand that. For me, I’m always looking to make the most reasonable decisions which are going to bring the best art to the most amount of people. I cannot make every single person happy. That’s impossible. What I can do is bring you as much fun transformation art as reasonable.

If anyone reading this has any questions or comments, please post them below. I will do my best to answer every single one.

Thank you again for your support and I look forward to bringing you more art and animation.




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