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**Quick Update note: Since I was asked about it in the comments I want to be clear. I am not in any sort of a 'burnout' or 'exhaustion' state. I LOVE DOING THIS ART! On my end, I am always looking for tweaks and adjustments to my process to bring you and me better work we like. So yah, the overall effort each month remains the same or INCREASES! That said, I will always keep you updated with any important news. THANK YOU!**

Hey all! This is a quick INFORMAL poll for ideas I am having about the Patreon and some ways to (potentially) up the animations and rewards for everyone. I've had these in mind for a while but thought YOU might like to weigh in with any thoughts you have.

Upping the Animations Quality (both GIFs and Movies)

Right now the monthly animation is at a sweet spot for run time, length, and good size for Patreon's attachment system. It's also a known quantity for me in terms of creation. Below are high level ideas about places we might go down the line. To adjust it for things like higher resolution, length or overall production quality from where we are likely means - shorter movies released every month OR movies released at a multi-month (2 or more) schedule.

Movie production

I see some creators out there in Patreon and other places making movies over the course of months or longer. These are clearly a LOT more elaborate than I'm doing in a month. I'm running up against a slight wall since I'm creating EVERYTHING in one month, all the animation, sound and work is started and finished within 30 odd days. If that was relaxed a bit I can imagine we might see some upgrades in production. I do reuse some assets for minor shots but by and large I am animating thousands of frames a month. The other idea is I hire a squad to do some of the work but we aren't quite there yet. haha

Overall, I'm always open to making things MORE awesome but I want to give a clear heads up how that might affect the current schedule.

Some things to note!

These are simply ideas I want to get your feedback on. That said - if you have any thoughts please comment below! Mostly this is meant as a fun way to look at the collaboration you and I have here. I want to bring YOU things you want!

So check out the suggestions and realize I won't hold any of your feet in the fire about your answers. This is mostly a 'check' on possible directions. There would likely be more polls and announcements coming before any major change in the Patreon. 

Remember, we did add GIFs, FMG and a few other things with YOUR approval and I think it's worked out well but you tell me.

  • Vote as much as a you want!
  • These are ONLY ideas
  • Comment if you have ideas, questions or suggestion
  • I would overall be working the same or more than before. This is mostly about WHERE I put the effort.



Richard Handy

If you feel like you need to change something to fit your own personal schedule or other RL commitments, than do so. I don't speak for everyone here but I know when a creator becomes tired of repetition or worst, the dreaded Burnout strikes, then that makes us all feel terrible because supporters can't help but feel like they caused it.


Hey, appreciate that, and thank you. Really, I'm doing fine it terms of interest and work load. I love doing this and I love doing the art and animation. Mostly, pulls like this are about verifying that you are enjoying the work too. I'm always looking for little ways to tweak things and make it better for everyone all around. Thank you again for the kind words.

Louis Thomas

Yeah either having longer production time or shorter movies would be fine.


Appreciate it. Really looking to give you and the others the best balance and maximum amount of awesome work.


I like female/male sex Inter action present in your comics, I’m tired of female giantess addiction, I prefer when boys can have sex with ladies at same size even in a giant form, I think that this could distinguish your works from others.


I like slow and fast. But slow is better and see toes of shoes, butt pant, and Boobs. Or She Hulk Vivian and Kris Eyes and more ripping colthes with with beautyful body.😁💪💙💚💚💜


Axel, I am RIGHT THERE with you on this. Shoulder to shoulder in fact. I enjoy the sex scenes too. I have had several polls asking patrons about their feelings and seeing how they go over. For the most part they don't rank super high BUT THAT SAID, I will put it under serious consideration. The comics are a good go-to in the meantime. They are, ahem, a little more 'free' in those. haha