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If you haven't already - check out this post for context: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46468906 

OK, looking at the results of the poll from yesterday and some of the comments I wanted to share my thoughts. Of course, I want to poll to finish and more people to vote and chime in with ideas BUT I think there are things I can clarify right now.

People seem to like the idea of switching things up to a month to month storytelling format.

We keep the basic tone of the animations of course (all the BE/GTS/FMG and the like). The story possibilities would be expanded into the WHOLE Growth Lab Universe/Earth and we would focus on new people, new situations and one off events. This would allow fun things like "growth on a plane/farm/news station/insert some location". We would basically un-tether the animations from the 'main' characters we have now and do things like along the lines of my Gyro or Random Musing stories. 

We might still see the main characters pop into places from time to time of course but overall the stage would be set really wide and we can basically go anywhere and do anything to get some new locations/costumes and reasons for the growth.

We will still finish current Cerberus station movie

I looked at my plotting for the movie and I can wrap it up in three movies. That includes this month. So March would be the end of this 'movie' and we would start Movie 4 IN APRIL under this new concept. 

TO BE CLEAR - Cerberus can pretty well be wrapped up in March and still have the ending I am planning. There were maybe one or two movies I had in mind for some ''growth filler' but we can move the basics idea of those extra movies into the monthly rotation and you still get everything!

Movie 4 - a series of vignette episodes

Movie 4 would be planned for 12 episodes but the story lines would be self contained in each movie. The main focus would be new growth ideas and locations and new CLOTHES! 

Heck we can even consider animating some of your favorite comic episodes or ideas from the GLab series if you like.

Sound good so far?

Animation Tier polls would remain and help influence all animations as usual!

The polls remain and you will always get to toss in your input on the coming month's animation.

The current themes of the Patreon will remain the same in terms of subject matter BE/GTS and FMG

We will keep all the concepts intact! No worries there. We might have more latitude to intro some one off ideas for expansions or the like. We might also have more focus on one pron growing the WHOLE animation or something like that. Really, there are a lot of things we can do with this idea that were harder with our current cast and connected storyline.

Check out the quick poll below. Ideally you already voted in the prior one. This is mostly to get a vibe on what you think of these thoughts and my initial plan. Again - this is NOT set in concrete. I'm feeling my way through this with YOUR input. 

Thank you and any comments or questions are welcome. 


Quick poll - vote as you like and comment if you want!



I've noticed you wrote "new clothes" in capital letters, that sounds important, but I don't really see what you mean by "new clothes" 😅 something like, for example, a police uniform, or something we are not used to see? 😊


*thinking thinking thinking.....LIGHTBULB* ok hear me out new people new clothes. Why not a models walk way. You could be creative as youd like with that kinda character.