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Animation Tier Only! Read everything to learn more and VOTE if you like!

I'm touching base with YOU since this is the work you are DIRECTLY supporting

I wanted to get a quick read of the place with this poll. Mostly, this is about making sure you are happy with the way things are going and understand things will ONLY GET BETTER. The coloring will improve and so will the speed. Will everything happen in one month? Not likely but it will improve constantly! I've proven that does happen over the last year with your help.

It's still a work in progress and I am learning ways to be efficient as we move forward. STILL - Check out those previews and see what you think! 


So, it’s about what I expected. Color animation AT PRESENT takes about two, maybe three times longer to do than a regular segment. Personally, I think this will get a bit faster as we move along. 

I was talking about this in the Discord the other day. If you recall about a year ago we were getting 4-5 minutes of uncolored animation a MONTH. Last month and for several months before we were in the 14-18 animation minute range. In other words – we got a LOT better at making animations and bringing you the same or better quality.

I expect the same to happen with the color work. It will get faster as I find ways to improve the production pipeline.

Translation of above

The monthly animation run times will probably drop while the color ramps up. I know, it's crazy we won't be getting our nearly 20 minutes of run times BUT I asked you! You wanted the quality of color even if it mean we lost some of that insane run times. haha

Personally, I think you made the RIGHT choice! Color adds a certain something to the work. Almost a permanence that will probably bring us back to these animations a LONG time after they ship. I like color and hope you do too! 

The Future

I think color is the next big "thing" for the Patreon. Still, I want YOU to be happy with the idea so drop a vote. This isn't a life or death vote and it's mostly meant as a fun read of the place. 

If you have any comments or OTHER ideas, please message or comment below!

Thank you again and talk with you soon!


One vote per person!

TO BE CLEAR - the voting is ONLY about color in the animations, this isn't a poll about animation subject matter (i.e. BE/GTS/FMG) just color! haha



Welp, this one 's a runaway.


Yah, I think the deal here is I mostly want to touch base with everyone in the Animation Tier to see if they are enjoying the progress. For me it's not always about the poll results as much as saying to the group "Hey, thank you and do want you happy!" haha


I think sacrificing time for color is fine. 20 minutes gives you a lot of time to shave things off. Even a 10 minute animation from you loaded with colored growth would be production value far beyond anyone else in the community. Unless there are other animators like you out there haha.


Well, the best part about this is I expect to get better at the coloring too. An ideal situation is we see a steady improvement over time and start getting those animation minutes near the current black and white times. Regardless of that, I agree these just look so much better overall. Thank you for the comment!