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Thank you to all the new and returning patrons! I appreciate your support and partnership as we make art and animation!

This update is about color animations and more rewards for you so read on!

Housekeeping for new patrons who are looking for rewards and info, check these pages out:

Quick update on the color process

So, it’s about what I expected. Color animation AT PRESENT takes about two, maybe three times longer to do than a regular segment. Personally, I think this will get a bit faster as we move along. 

I was talking about this in the Discord the other day. If you recall about a year ago we were getting 4-5 minutes of uncolored animation a MONTH. Last month and for several months before we were in the 14-18 animation minute range. In other words – we got a LOT better at making animations and bringing you the same or better quality.

I expect the same to happen with the color work. It will get faster as I find ways to improve the production pipeline.

Hope you are enjoying the previews (here on on deviantArt). I am already thinking about how we can get a FULL COLOR MOVIE going!

Rewards and More!

I know you know this but GRAB YOUR REWARDS!

I did a big reward update on the main site and now the $5 and up rewards tab has all the recent HIGH RES animated GIF Packs for you to check out. If you are part of the GIF or Animation Tier you can grab all of it here. 

High Res packs and $5 tier rewards https://www.readyartzone.com/patreon-5-tier-comic-downloads/ 

If you want to lo-res packs you can go here:

Low Res Packs https://www.readyartzone.com/low-res-gif-animation-packs/

Point is – check that Thank you letter or the link above and be sure to get all the goodies you signed up for!

Thank you again for your kind support and back to work for on the Patreon animation (and this week’s comic) for me!




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