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FINALLY! We are about to wrap up the FIRST PATREON MOVIE and YOU DID IT!! Your support got us here and thank you so much for all the time, effort and kind words during our trip!

Are you excited? You should be!

The first preview is up and it only gets crazier from here!

Talk with you soon!


The August Animation – Final Countdown

Let’s talk about the August animation and what you can expect!

You can look forward to in the final animation which will ship on Saturday night August 31st. I aim to have 3-5 GIF previews up a week so look forward to more! These previews are a SMALL SAMPLE of the final animation! 

This is the wrap up of nearly a YEAR of Patreon animations and if you are in the Animation Tier you will get it all - this animation and all the REST till this point! This one will end with a bang and we will start a new movie IMMEDIATELY! 

We will have lots of growth, BE, GTS, FMG and a LOT more – read on for details! From the VOTES OF THE ANIMATION TIER and my own adds we have:

  • BE animations (of course)
  • FMG Animations (for SURE, this was a huge vote getter for the Animation Tier) 
  • Large/Thicc thighs when grown - dis-proportionally THICK! (FMG or GTS) 
  • Curvy Hour glass growth, you like your women with curvy shapes all over
  • Lots of Pleasurable Growth (enjoys the process of BE, GTS or FMG)
  • Some strained growth also (resists the process of BE, GTS or FMG)
  • Growth out of underwear of all sorts 
  • FMG, basic and large muscle growth (body builders, female gymnasts, etc)
  • HYPER/GIGA FMG - bigger and ridiculously large muscled women! 
  • Butt expansion, rear end shots and growth  

Also getting votes were these which I will look to mix in!!

  • FMG growth with veins on the muscles 
  • Expansion shots of the stomach/abdominal region (BE, GTS or FMG)
  • Back growth (FMG or GTS)
  • Calf/Leg Growth (FMG)   
  • Footwear ripping open, all styles of shoes (and socks too) 

There’s more of course but those are high on the list! I will be mixing in my own picks of course as well!





It’s a pity that there aren’t any male characters.


No panties huh? 😏 naughty girl 😜


Damn thats so much wonderfull ass


Epic ass expansion! Giga curves for real