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Hello all and welcome to another Ready Art update! Thank you for joining me here and a big thanks to all the Patreons reading this. Whether you are a returning Patreon or a new one – THANK YOU!

The July Animation – The Escape

Let’s talk about the July animation and what you can expect!

Karen is on the run! Where will she go and what does she have planned? That is what we will find out! Lots of growth, BE, FMG and a LOT more – read on for details! From the VOTES OF THE ANIMATION TIER and my own adds we have:

  • BE animations (of course)
  • FMG Animations (for SURE, this was a huge vote getter for the Animation Tier) 
  • GIGA sized women – for me this is a RIDICULOUSLY muscled woman. Be she super tall or not we are talking muscles on MUSCLES!
  • Clothes with buttons and fasteners popping open as she grows
  • Woman fondling herself (own breasts and butt) 
  • Growth out of underwear of all sorts
  • Curvy Hour glass growth, you like your women with curvy shapes all over
  • Female thighs getting muscles
  • Female Back growth muscled
  • Large/Thicc thighs when grown - dis-proportionally THICK!
  • Butt expansion, rear end shots and growth

There’s more of course but those are high on the list! Some other ones I have on my list are footwear destruction, muscled arm growth, environmental destruction and more!

The August animation and beyond!

The August animation will be the last one of this series and it will wrap up what will be the FIRST PATREON BE MOVIE! You heard right folks. We did it! Thanks to your support and generosity we are going to have a (over an hour?!?) long movie for you to enjoy. 

What am I talking about (for those who are new)?

Each month we have been working towards making a growth movie. Every animation is designed to be sequenced into the next and in August we will wrap up the current movie and start a new one in September. 

The next two months will see the normal release of NEW animations and I will work to bring it to a close so you can enjoy the whole thing at once. Since this is the first time through making a movie like this I intend to work as I have been and bring you lots of new animations each of the next two months.

There are currently no plans to go back to old animations and rejigger things or add scenes to them. I thought about it and frankly I prefer to keep bringing you new work than spend my time and your money on ‘reshoots’ or adds of prior animations. That can change of course if there is a huge demand. 

Really though, I look at it like this. Each month you are asking me to bring you lots of new animations. That is what I have been doing! I want to keep it up and use the future animations to improve my techniques and bring you something EVEN better!

Again – things can adjust depending on feedback and demand but that is my take on it. You want new stuff and that is what you will get!

Thank you again!

I know ANY donation is a big deal and I owe all my supporters (paying or not) a huge debt of gratitude over the years. Many, MANY people have been very kind to me and my art as I have come up and gotten a little better over time. I can still recall my first BE drawings and as much as I feel I have advanced I still love that people enjoy the early work

I hope you are all enjoying the latest work. It’s a big deal to be doing this and I want to keep on with the animation work!

Please take care and thank you SO MUCH again!





Thank you for bring us such amazing animation ;)


Thank you! Appreciate all the support in the Patreon and from around the web. I love doing this and look forward to bring you and the others more animation.


Love that each release is more muscular than the last! Can't wait.


Thank you so much! Happy to bring you and everyone more of the action!