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Holey FREAKING Moley! This one is long! Took FOREVER to edit and process but here you go! Please enjoy and I will be making a follow up post about the next few animations and where we are heading.

Personally I am LOVING the ability to work with you and make longer animations! I hope you are liking the results too!

Thank you again for your support and talk with you soon!


**FULL CLIP WITH SOUND IS ATTACHED TO THIS POST - you will have to download it onto your computer as Patreon doesn't let me live preview it** 
You have to grab the attachment, download and view it locally. Patreon won't allow video previews unless I host offsite which kind of defeats the purpose of a Patreon reward. 
Animations Summary (from prior post)
Because of YOU we have these things! Thank you for your support and I want to work on bringing along more animations with sound, effects, music and perhaps voice work!




Goodness gracious! This is amazing. At one point I was kinda hoping that short circuiting Karen meant overwhelming her with growth energy so that she became so muscular that she wouldn’t be able to move anymore – I mean, she wouldn’t be able to run away then! :D Eh, wishful thinking. But still, very nice. Great work.


Thanks! Really am grateful for your support and the kindness of the patrons here. These animations are a blast to do and looking forward to bringing you more!


It was a very grand animation I must say. I only have one main critique to make. I don't mean anything harsh, but it does feel like Olivia's growth scene got skipped over (unless that was her on the table with the ray and even then, that felt a bit rushed). Otherwise, great stuff as usual.


So glad you liked it. Yah, I agree there wasn't a huge focus on Olivia but she will return! Thank you for the support and kind words!