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2019.04.22 Quick update - it looks like Uneven Growth shows up twice but don't fret. You get multiple votes and I will make sure when I tally them that no one loses a vote if they picked one of the repeats!

OK folks - read here for what the May animation will be about:


To summarize:

  • There will be a trailer made for the Growth Lab. This will be a full month of work. 
  • A long animation will be released to you in the animation tier. 
  • In addition I will be using that footage to create a one minute trailer for The Growth Lab Movie. The idea is I will be releasing the trailer to the public
  • You in the animation tier will be the ones to receive the FULL LENGTH high resolution version as well as the high resolution trailer. 

So.... what would you like to see in a 'trailer' for the Growth Lab. VOTE below, write in comments if you like. I will be using this post as a reference for when I work next month so be sure to participate if you want to help the future!

Thank you again for your support and if you have any questions you can comment below or message me directly. 

VOTE AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE and VOTE FREELY! Don't worry about popularity as much as tell me what YOU LIKE! Comment and add ideas too if you want!

Poll ends April 28th in the evening!





You said we could put suggestions in comments, so I have 2 little suggestions :) - Underwear exposure and destruction :) - and it may be interesting to see a lady shrink back to normal :)


Great ideas! Thank you for the input and I will keep it in mind during the creation of the May animation!


Could it be that you have "uneven growth of body parts" twice in your poll? Also if foot growth makes it through to try some more common shoe types like high top chucks etc?


I do dang it! Sometimes this happens and the really sad part is polls are effectively locked once they start. I would have to recreate it. In this case though - it's not a huge deal since multiple votes are allowed. No one will lose a vote!


Another suggestion would be to have ladies wearing underwear that provide more back coverage and we could see it getting wedgied or torn appart as she grows 😍


Sole growth, eyeball or face growth, forehead growth, chin, or any weird ideas where they look attractive in the process as they hulking in muscle is hot. Pubic hair or pit hair growth is great too. Love the idea of hyper uneven muscles!