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Hello everyone and thank you for being here and your kind support.

Wanted to drop a quick update on the progress of NEXT weekend's coming animation. I expect to be posting it up Sunday, April 28th. Here are a few quick facts to get you excited about what's going down:

  • This current animation is clocking in around seven minutes and it's not even done. I expect the final animation to be longer than seven minutes, possibly eight minutes or more! (I'd quote my exact prediction but I don't want to over-hype! haha)
  • You wanted FMG and you got it! The new animation has it and I am working to drop in more FMG in addition to my normal BE/GTS work!
  • This new animation is part of a series of animations that can be put together to form a mini-movie of sorts. (read my previous post for more info on that one). Translation - you will be able to watch a full 30-60 minute extravaganza when this is all said and done. 
  • There will be a new poll for the animation tier going up- this will be about the kinds of things you want to see in NEXT month's animation (May). If you are in this tier I HIGHLY recommend putting in your vote(s)
  • Next month's animation will involve the creation of a 'trailer' of sorts for the Growth Lab movie. Again - I did a longer post about this you can read but the short story is there will be a long form animation done in May and from that long animation I will be creating a one minute or so 'trailer' to show off the fun of the Growth Lab series and help others get a look at all the action.

Thank you again for your support and thank you so much for the letters and comments. I do appreciate them and read every one!

Check out the coming poll if you are in the animation tier and look for more art and animation for all as we more forward!




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